Best Countries For Nightlife
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 7:32 pm
1.Dublin - Ireland
We all know that Ireland is a magical place for those who love to party and have a good time. Dublin has a pub to person ratio that makes it perfect for anyone looking to pop in and not be stuck together like sardines, but also not quiet enough that they can read a book. The legal drinking age is 18, so it's a young, hip, crowd with lots going on.
2.New Zealand - Auckland
New Zealand is home to one of the cities with the hottest nightlifes in the world. Auckland has the trendiest bars, clubs and music events almost every night. You only have to visit once to want to come back, time and time again, for the abundance of things to do.
3.Mexico - Cabo San Lucas
Cabo San Lucas is the "other" side of Mexico, the Pacific side, where Californians are a hop, skip and a jump away. If Los Angeleans like Cabo's nightlife, then you know it's good. Their uninhibited nightlife style features tequila lounges, microbreweries, and live music venues, along with late night dance clubs.
4.Poland - Wroclaw
There are some people who don't think of Poland when they think of a place to go for great nightlife, but Wroclaw has a party atmosphere like none other. The ancient city is home to Market Square that is filled with clubs and bars, all different and catering to a diverse crowd.
5.France - Paris
Paris is known for its romance and beauty, but it also has an amazing and diverse nightlife. You can enjoy the traditional, sophisticated Paris nightlife, or you can get down and dirty with the indie scene in the Gambette district. With many nightclubs, pubs and restaurants the choice is yours.
6.Germany - Berlin
With nightclubs that are open all night, Germany is the place to go for an intense nightlife. There are lines at the door to get into clubs at 9am as patrons, who have been dancing all night, come stumbling out into the daylight. Beds are installed in the bottom floors so guests can sleep and not have to leave the clubs.
7.Brazil - Sao Paulo
Dancing all night in Brazil is commonplace. You've got Rio de Janeiro where every tourist goes, but if you want some really gritty, amazing nightlife, San Paolo is the place to go. The intensity of their nightlife is unlike any other place on earth. Nightclubs galore with beautiful people everywhere.
8.Canada - Montreal
Just over the border from the United States is Montreal, Canada, a place that many Americans cross over to in order to experience their outstanding nightlife. All night dance parties, eclectic music and summer festivals keep them coming back for more. Known as a great place for a bachelor party, with their unique strip club policies.
9.Thailand - Bangkok
Thailand is one of the greatest countries to visit if you want unadulterated nightlife. Bangkok should really be named the city of sin, because it is so much more naughty than Vegas, and a whole lot more fun. There's a classy side as well with high end dance clubs and trendy pubs.
10.Spain - Ibiza
Spain is home to Ibiza, known for being the mecca of all nightlife parties. With pool parties, strippers, wind tunnel dance floors, foam sprayed from the ceilings, and everyone scantily clad, it's somewhere everyone young adult should visit at least once, or maybe even twice. And the beach is a great place to nurse that hangover.
11.United States - New York City
The United States has so many states with great nightlife, but New York City really is the city that doesn't sleep. Nightclubs stay open until 4am, and there are so many nightclubs, lounges, bars, and pubs, that there is something for everyone's taste. You've got the mega-clubs in the Meatpacking district or the hipster lounges in the East Village, and don't forget the warehouse parties across the bridge in Brooklyn.
12.England - London
England is one of the best countries for extraordinary nightlife. In London there is a pub on every corner and some of the most high end nightclubs in the world. With great music playing somewhere every night of the week, there is always somewhere to go and party London style.