15 Times Americans Confused Everyone On Tumblr

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 3:38 pm
By:James Fraser

It is a fact that rest of the world finds America and Americans weird. It is so because everything from language, culture to food is different here. We aren't weird; we are just too cool for rest of the world to understand! Friends from UK and Canada never find it boring to show how everything here in America is different. Here are fifteen funny pictures that show how Americans confuse the rest of the world with their funny habits and culture.
13.One More Confused British Person

If you're from UK, you will also be confused by the fact that why anyone would store 3 gallons of tea in a bottle that is supposed to carry milk! Welcome to America! We don't use kettles to make tea. Most Americans prefer drinking coffee. When comes to tea, oh yes, we enjoy iced tea.

One More Confused British Person-15 Times Americans Confused Everyone On Tumblr

One More Confused British Person-15 Times Americans Confused Everyone On Tumblr

14.Another American Thing That Rest of the World Finds Weird

We agree that names of school grades in US are little different than others. As you can read, the words like freshman, sophomore etc confuses many non-Americans. UK has a pretty straight forward and a little boring school grades. France, on the other hand, seems to have funny and interesting grades.

Another American Thing That Rest of the World Finds Weird-15 Times Americans Confused Everyone On Tumblr

Another American Thing That Rest of the World Finds Weird-15 Times Americans Confused Everyone On Tumblr

Another American Thing That Rest of the World Finds Weird-15 Times Americans Confused Everyone On Tumblr

15.America is Always Different

We are different, and we are happy about it! Yes, we spell differently. American spellings are mostly based on how they are pronounced. Some people do get confused how Americans managed to make their own English grammar when all other former British colonies still follow standard British grammar. The answer is simple! Americans wanted to have a culture of their own! 

America is Always Different-15 Times Americans Confused Everyone On Tumblr
