15 Punctuation Fails That Went Horribly And Hilariously Wrong
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 11:06 pm
By:James Fraser
Grammar in any language is there for a reason, and one simply can’t ignore. Punctuation is an important part of grammar, without which many sentences make no sense at all. What if people just skip punctuation rules, and go on writing any old incoherent mess? Here are 15 punctuation fails that went hilariously wrong.
4.When Not Being Able to Eat Diarrhea is a Complaint
Never ever skip punctuation marks. We are told, right? Watch this patient or healthcare assistant who made a statement completely horrible and disgusting by skipping a punctuation mark in the right place. What does the doctor think about this absurd complaint? He thinks it’s all perfect, because eating diarrhea is never an easy thing.