15 Hilarious Things Ever Happened In Apple Stores
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 6:20 pm
By:James Fraser
Every time we got out, we are sure to see weird things or people that make us say 'wtf' instantly! If you are a frequent visitor to Walmart, you already know what kind of people you could see at Walmart. You can find weird people and weird things in Apple stores too. Here are fifteen images that show hilarious things ever happened in Apple Stores.
1.Mark Wahlberg, Is That You?
This guy who took this picture has found a really interesting person in Apple Store. As you can see, the man in this picture looks very similar to Mark Wahlberg. This guy actually looks like Asian version of Mark Wahlberg. We never know Wahlberg has an Asian twin brother!

2.A Wild Potato Appears
No, that was not an iPotato, and it was definitely not on sale! This potato too was one of those funniest things ever found in Apple Store. Some prankster might have put that there. This picture went viral sometime before. This iPhone 5, oops, Potato looks too funny. We hope you liked it as well.

3.This Guy Who Photobombed a Selfie
What do most people do when they visit an Apple store? Do they check products and their features? No! They take selfies or check their Facebook! As you can see in the image, the girl was trying to take a selfie of her. That guy who works at that store clearly knows how to photobomb her selfie!

4.This Kid
Kids are always funny, no matter where they are. This kid caught public attention in Apple store with this weird and funny act. We bet this image will make you giggle. For some reasons, this picture also looks creepy as if someone did that to him!

5.These Wallpapers that Make 'Doctor Who' Fans Cry
If you watch 'Doctor Who', this picture requires no explanation! These pictures of Doctor Who are from that scene where Rose and the Doctor were shown separated forever. This scene is from 'Doomsday' episode, which is also considered as one of the best of all the Doctor Who episodes.

6.Sad, But True
Many people buy Apple products because they are "Apple" products! An inexpensive tablet or smartphone is more than enough if you just have to browse Facebook. However, some people use their pricey Apple products such as Macbooks only to check their Facebook or email. Nothing wrong in spending money though; that's how economy works!

7.Creepy Wallpapers Like These
Many people have this habit of changing wallpapers on iPads or Macbooks that are kept on display at Apple stores. If you are a frequent visitor to Apple stores, you are already aware of this. Out of all such pictures, this one you are seeing has caught our attention! Don't ask us who she was!

8.This Cool Girl
Yes, that's a dog in a baby stroller! Well, she looks cool and fabulous with her shades. You don't usually see pets in Apple Stores, but when you do, they look totally like this classy dog. A dog in a stroller? Seriously? This is crazy and funny at the same time.

9.These Naughty Apple Store Employees
Never login to your account from public places. Even if you do, don't forget to log out from your accounts. This is what can happen if you forget to log out from your Facebook or email account. People, not necessarily be store employees, will have access to your personal information. Those store employees didn't do a great thing either.

10.This Man with His Pet Parrot
Yet another interesting picture from an Apple store. This man has brought a giant guest with him to that Apple store. As you can see, there's a macaw (parrot) on his shoulders. Macaws are big sized parrots. Many people in US and other countries have them as pets. Though they look big, macaws are usually soft and well mannered.

11.This Funny Prank
If Widows screens welcome you in an Apple store, you will, for a second, get confused thinking where you have come! You may even ask yourself since when Apple started making Windows laptops! Some prankster has changed the wallpapers on the Macbooks there. This is funny.

12.Get Your Facts Correct Or I''ll Shoot Ya in...
Imagine you are customer service executive working in one of the electronic stores, and you get to meet a customer who has an assault rifle with him! Isn't that scary? As you can see in the picture, this time it's the turn of a man with an assault rifle to enter into this list. Fans of guns, yes, that's an SIG 550 assault rifle!

13.A Pony in Apple Store
It's time for another pet! This time we have a pet pony in Apple store. When people saw this picture for the first time, most of them thought it was fake. Well, it was not fake! You can clearly see that from the two pictures. However, no one knows the story behind this funny Apple store incident.

14.This Funny Lady
This is another wallpaper prank that makes you laugh out loud. Some lady has put creepy pictures of her on two iPads making it look like as if she is watching herself! This is absolutely crazy! We bet you would laugh so hard at this if you were present at that store.

15.Peeing in Apple Store
We ran out of words to explain this! Unfortunately, this is a common sight in Asian countries. It is here because it happened at an Apple store.
There is a little chance of finding incidents like these in real life, as most of us don't visit Apple stores every day.
