12 Amazing Hipster Art Pictures You Must See If You're A Hippy
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 10:20 am
By:James Fraser
"You all laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at all of you because you are all pretty much the same," says an average hipster! How often do you see that random weird person on public transport, in Starbucks, etc. with bizarre outfits, typewriter, and other archaic gadgets? Those hippies are hard to understand, and unsurprisingly, their life choices give us an impression that they try hard to seek attention. They, however, argue that they just live their life the way they want, denouncing social norms that most of us see as normal. It's their life, anyway! It's time to look into the world of hipster art! Check 12 refreshing hipster art images that prove people have boundaries, but not art!
7.Marilyn Monroe
This colorful Marilyn Monroe art is eye-catching. Marilyn was technically not a hipster, and she hardly wore those hippie outfits. Monroe never inked her body either. The reason why a lot of hipsters still find Marilyn Monroe very interesting because of the way she lived her life. She wasn't afraid of making hard life choices. She had been a powerful woman throughout her adult years, at a time when men were completely dominating the entertainment industry.