12 Amazing Hipster Art Pictures You Must See If You're A Hippy

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 10:20 am
By:James Fraser

"You all laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at all of you because you are all pretty much the same," says an average hipster! How often do you see that random weird person on public transport, in Starbucks, etc. with bizarre outfits, typewriter, and other archaic gadgets? Those hippies are hard to understand, and unsurprisingly, their life choices give us an impression that they try hard to seek attention. They, however, argue that they just live their life the way they want, denouncing social norms that most of us see as normal. It's their life, anyway! It's time to look into the world of hipster art! Check 12 refreshing hipster art images that prove people have boundaries, but not art!  
4.An Impressive Hipster Animal Portrait

The hipster red panda art looks impressive, but more than the art, the Pabst Blue Ribbon beer can in the animal's hands is worth a mention. If an average American sees someone drinking PBR, they automatically assume him or her to be a hipster! Pabst Blue Ribbon is one among the most hipster-preferred brands in the United States. It was once a popular beer brand in the USA, but it witnessed steep downfall in sales in the 90s due to the lack of demand. Hipsters somehow managed to own the brand as theirs, and brought the famous Milwaukee beer brewery back on the track! 

An Impressive Hipster Animal Portrait-12 Amazing Hipster Art Pictures You Must See If You're A Hippy

5.This Hipster Lion

This lion art reminds us how black-rim glasses make one look different from others. The glasses and the yellow headband have given that lion a strikingly beautiful appearance. That headband, in particular, is impressive, and it reminds us the good old 60s American hippie culture. Hippies stood and fought for a cause. They rejected conscription and voiced their opinion strongly against war. The hipsters of older generations advocated free speech, liberty, and universal oneness. 

This Hipster Lion-12 Amazing Hipster Art Pictures You Must See If You're A Hippy

6.The Hipster Triangle

Hipsters love triangles! There are many reasons why they love the triangular shape. A band named YACHT is very popular among the hipster community, and it popularized the idea of triangle-shaped tattoos. Some hipsters say a triangle is a reference to Illuminati. Others say they like triangles because they convey irony. Triangles fit everywhere, and hipsters don't. Whatever the reason be, a triangle is inarguably a favorite sign of hipsters.

The Hipster Triangle-12 Amazing Hipster Art Pictures You Must See If You're A Hippy
