15 Most Bizarre Themed Weddings Ever
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 7:08 am
By:James Fraser
Bizarre themed weddings are quite popular nowadays. A wedding is unarguably one of the life's most beautiful moments. Couples remember those happy moments for a very long time. No wonder they put a lot of effort to make their wedding day special. We keep getting wedding invitations throughout the year from our friends, coworkers or family members. Most weddings are formal, and the couples don't try to do anything extraordinary. However, a few couples do it the other way. They choose bizarre wedding themes just to stand out. Have you ever attended such strange weddings? No? Check these 15 most bizarre themed weddings ever!
4.Game of Thrones Theme
When you can’t afford a Game of Throne stage, but still want to marry in GoT style, at least wear GoT T-shirts like these groomsmen. The T-Shirts look good. We wonder why the bride decided to dress normally and be so boring.

