15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:53 pm
By:James Fraser
We put ourselves in many embarrassing situations. We create awkward situations, or sometimes we unknowingly get stuck with them. Of all the awkward situations we may run into, those we create by saying something wrong at the wrong time are the most embarrassing ones. Sometimes things really go out of our control, and we let a terrible verbal mistake happen. Here are fifteen people who said something wrong at the wrong time, as told by them.
1.This Highly Embarrassing Restaurant Situation
My best friend is a server. When setting down a dish in front of a customer who happened to have prosthetic arms (which was obvious), she exclaimed, “Watch your hands! That plate is really hot!” So much secondhand embarrassment.

The restaurant server not only embarrassed himself but also made things uncomfortable for the disabled person as well as people around him.

2.Bad Choice of Words
I was at a memorial service, and the son of the deceased thanked me for coming. I enthusiastically replied, "anytime!"

Memorial service or funerals are some of those moments where you should be extra cautious about what comes out of your mouth; A slight mistake can become a huge embarrassment for the rest of your life.

3.This Mom Who Dropped 'B'omb
When my mother first moved to the United States, she went into a hair salon and asked for a blow job.

That must have blown someone's mind for sure...

4.See You Later
I work in a pharmacy and was explaining exactly how to use a particular medication to a blind patient. I felt quite good about it until I closed with “See you later!” Criiiiiinge.

Well, Didn't saw that coming ;)

5.This Slip of the Tongue
I was at a high school reunion, talking to a classmate who’s now in a wheelchair due to a car accident. I told him he had the best seat in the house. I’m an idiot.

That's something you shouldn't say to a person with a wheelchair. By the way, Who even goes to high school reunions nowadays?

6.Why So Down?
I was at a funeral where the grandparents had died within a day of each other. I was giving my condolences and saw two people sitting, looking very sad. I went up to them and actually said, “Why so down?” What the heck is wrong with me?

As said earlier, Take good care when you open your mouth at a funeral!

7.Oh no!!!
I was buying perfume for my birthday. I kept going back and forth between two or three perfumes. One of them was named “Oh Lola,” but I thought the salesclerk was mistaken, so I kept saying “Ooh Lala.” So the whole time I was there I kept referring to the perfume as “Ooh Lala.” I didn’t realize the real name was “Oh Lola” until I got home and opened the box.

8.One More Embarrassing Situation
I was 15 and went to my first funeral. I saw the widow walking toward me, bawling her eyes out. She looked at me with a forced smile, trying to be friendly. I said, “What’s up? How are you doing?” She kept walking.

Looks like anything you say at a funeral can get you in trouble, Better don't speak anything if you're not sure of yourself.

9.This Funny Incident
I was in class a few weeks ago, and someone sneezed, so I said, “Good morning.” It was two p.m., and I was the only person who said anything. I put my earbuds in and pretended like nothing happened.

I believe most of us have greeted someone wrongly atleast once in our life, but it becomes really embarrassing when you say it out loud in front a huge audience.

10.This M&Ms vs. Chocolate Chip Confusion
I went to McDonald’s for an M&M’s McFlurry. I said, “Hi, I’ll have a chocolate chip McFlurry.” The cashier responded, “Uh, we don’t have chocolate chip.” I was staring at the M&M’s in confusion and said, “OK, I’ll have a chocolate chip McFlurry.” They repeated, “Ma’am, we don’t have chocolate chip. Did you mean M&M?” I never went to that McDonald’s again.

I guess sometimes we are so into something we don't realize what we are saying or writing. Such embarrassments happen to all of us.

11.Checking out Squishy Balls
During a layover at the Denver airport, I was trying to find a toy for my son. The male associate walked up and asked if I needed assistance. Me: "No thanks, I'm just checking out your squishy balls."

Okay, Anything below the pants is really awkward and embarrassing for all of us. Avoid saying words with double meaning in public.

12.One More Awkward Funeral Situation
My sister and I were at a funeral, and we ran into an old friend who asked us how we were doing. My sister automatically said, “Well, we’re not dead!” I’ve never laughed so hard at a funeral before.

Having a witty humor is good but not at a funeral. You or your friends may laugh out loud accidentally making things awkward for everyone.

13.This Horribly Embarrassing Situation
I was standing in Lowe's, looking at wood, when I reached over and smacked my husband on the arm and jokingly said, "That's some nice wood, huh?" Turned out my husband was standing about 10 feet away, and a STRANGER, who was wearing a similarly colored jacket was standing next to me with his mouth wide open.
14.I'd Like a Large C*ck
I tried to order a "large Coke" and a "large pop" at the same time and ended up saying "I'd like a large cock."

Unless you really love large cocks, don't say this ever! Okay jokes apart, Our mind loves mixing up words sometimes or maybe it gets so confused at times with structurally similar words that it gets you in some really embarrassing situations like this person.

15.This is a Bag… Just a Bag
One time the cashier was having a hard time trying to open one of the plastic bags. She made a groan, and I meant to say, "Ugh, yeah, those bags can be tricky sometimes," but I had a brain fart and all that came out was, "This is bag."
Trust me it happens more often than you think, We eat up certain words sometimes.
All these awkward moments can happen to any of us. Even you must have some awkward moments during foreplay or at your work or even while shopping, Can any of them beat this list? If so then do share them with us in the comments section on our page.