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15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:53 pm
By:James Fraser

We put ourselves in many embarrassing situations. We create awkward situations, or sometimes we unknowingly get stuck with them. Of all the awkward situations we may run into, those we create by saying something wrong at the wrong time are the most embarrassing ones. Sometimes things really go out of our control, and we let a terrible verbal mistake happen. Here are fifteen people who said something wrong at the wrong time, as told by them.
1.This Highly Embarrassing Restaurant Situation

My best friend is a server. When setting down a dish in front of a customer who happened to have prosthetic arms (which was obvious), she exclaimed, “Watch your hands! That plate is really hot!” So much secondhand embarrassment.
The restaurant server not only embarrassed himself but also made things uncomfortable for the disabled person as well as people around him. 

This Highly Embarrassing Restaurant Situation-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

2.Bad Choice of Words

I was at a memorial service, and the son of the deceased thanked me for coming. I enthusiastically replied, "anytime!"

Memorial service or funerals are some of those moments where you should be extra cautious about what comes out of your mouth; A slight mistake can become a huge embarrassment for the rest of your life.

Bad Choice of Words-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time

3.This Mom Who Dropped 'B'omb

When my mother first moved to the United States, she went into a hair salon and asked for a blow job.
That must have blown someone's mind for sure...

This Mom Who Dropped 'B'omb-15 People Who Said The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time


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