Best Mew Cosplay

By:Mike Litzler

Mew is another small and cute Pokémon. It is a Psychic-type mythical creature. It is one of the most unusual Pokémon, as it can evolve into any other Pokémon.  Mew is a member of Mew Duo along with MewTwo. Mew is a furless bipedal creature with a pink-colored body. 
This girl in the Mew costume looks pretty. It isn't really a full costume though. It's a Mew-inspired outfit with a few accessories to support it. Mew has distinctive blue eyes. But her entire body including ears look pink in color. The designer could have taken a little more interest to make the costume look even more accurate.

This Post Belongs To 12 Amazing Pokemon Cosplays Ever 

Best Mew Cosplay
