Weird English Words
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 10:16 am
Watch out you don't suffer a pratfall. All that means is watch out you don't fall on your bottom! However, you have to say that it does sound a bit better than just falling on your butt.
With the word Yahoo being bandied all over the place, one wonders what it actually means? It's a country bumpkin! Now you are going to say that word with a different accent after learning this little gem.
You might be directed to the nearest vomitory should you wish to leave. Strange word for an exit? Mind you if you are leaving in a hurry quite fitting?
If one embarks on a fartlek it simply means they are embarking on a training regime. It does sound kind of rude don't you think? In actual fact it sounds as if it is something that happens if you train too hard.
A furphy is a water carrier, so maybe that does not sound as impressive as you initially thought it would be. This company has decided to use the word as its company name.
This gentleman is in the process of avoiding the lady with sciapodous. Scaipodous means unusually large feet.
This pertains to a person who prefers to walk without shoes. Not many nelipots are spotted around November in the northern hemisphere one imagines?
Simply means breakfast. Perhaps if you are really hungry it rhymes with spectacular which is what breakfast can seem like when you are starving! However, you will probably just stick with using the word breakfast.
To say that chap is totally farctate could sound terribly insulting. It simply means he has over eaten. Or, one can say I am totally farctate meaning I am stuffed.
The gentleman in this picture is a keen curciverbalist. That means he likes doing crosswords, but imagine the problem most people would have if this word was actually an answer to one of the crosswords.
Somehow saying 'I think you have a nice callipygian' sounds a bit better than you have a hot butt? Having a nice callipygian means the observer thinks you have a well shaped bottom.
Not a word one would hear often for the description of raucous laughter? perhaps the 'chin' part in the word gives it away? However, it is certainly not a word that you will tend to use on a regular basis.