15 Ridiculous Life Hacks For All The Lazy People Out There
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 5:02 pm
By:James Fraser
We live in a fast-paced world. We don't often find time to take care and pamper ourselves. The world isn't going to slow down. It's you who need to catch up with it. Our lives are so busy that we only get a little time every day for brushing, bathing and other hygiene related things. Health experts say you should brush and bath twice every day, but how many of us actually do that? Some people are too busy or lazy that they hardly find time to brush or bath for at least once. You may have seen people who use Listerine and skip brushing altogether. You may have seen people who skip bathing and use a deodorant spray instead. Here are fifteen people who confessed their lazy life hacks on Whisper!
10.Wear Your Underwear Inside out When It Gets Dirty
The other side of the underwear will be as fresh as a new one. When both the sides get dirty, it's time for a new one!