15 People Reveal The Stuff They Regret Knowing
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 4:51 pm
By:James Fraser
As human beings, we love to know many things. The curiosity to learn new things is something that's there in our DNA. As you already know, there are two kinds of people, the good ones and the bad ones. While the curiosity to learn is same among the two, the bad ones learn bad stuff. Irrespective of good or bad, sometimes, it's better not to know a few things and few secrets. We have fifteen people here who revealed the stuff they strongly regret knowing. As we said earlier, sometimes, it's better to stay uninformed and ignorant about things!
1.This Weird Underwear
2.That Was Very Sad Indeed
When I was younger a friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer. For a time she was stuck in a hospital bed and lost a lot of weight. They told her to expect a full recovery though, and she was excited to get back on the school swim team with all of her lost weight.
Well my sister was an EMT and friends with the girl's pastor. He was describing to her how hard it was to hear this girl all excited about getting healthy again, when she was terminal and did not know it. My sister let this information slip in conversation with me.
I sat in front of this girl every day at lunch. I hung out with her. We talked on MySpace. We had the same friends. I knew she was going to die, she had no idea. And she had much closer friends who were also clueless.
I never did tell her or anyone else. She passed away eventually.

3.One Good reason You Shouldn't Invade Parent's Bedroom
I know that my parents, at one point, have used "chocolate body paint". That was the last time I tried searching my parents bedroom for presents before Christmas.

4.How, Why and What for?
My mother-in-law gave me WAY too many details about the differences in my husband and his brother's penises.

5.When He Learned About His Dad's Shady Past
I know that my father used to be a drug dealer and was incarcerated for some time.
Now he's a typical suburban house-dad and you would never think he ever served time.
My aunt got drunk at a party and blurted it out to me. The second she did, she realized what she said and walked away. I did some research online and saw that he served time back in the 70's. I was too afraid to spend the five bucks to see exactly what his sentence was.

6.This Surprise Finding
That the Department of Human Services in Iowa, spends over $1000 a month to provide dildos to women in abuse shelters. I saw the invoices when I worked for the local porn dealer.

7.It's Part of The Duty, Isn't It?
How to hurt, kill, maim other humans in far too many ways. Thank you United States Marine Corps.

8.Never Again!
Grandparents search history. It was scary and I wish I had mind bleach.
BDSM and old people should not mix.

READ MORE: 15 Hilarious Texts From GrandParents
9.Red Light District vs. Blue Light District
Found out the hard way what the difference was between the red light district and the blue light district in Amsterdam...

10.Rats in Movie Theaters!
A lot of urban movie theaters have rats or mice. They often crawl over patrons' feet, looking for popcorn underneath the seats. I learned this from having worked in a couple of theaters. Scares the bejeezus out of me every time the lights go down.

11.This Family Secret
My cousin is adopted. She is 20 and still doesn't know. I really think she should be told, but obviously it's none of my business. Every time I see her though, I'm reminded of it and I'm terrified that I'll let it slip out. "Hey cousin, how are you do-- ADOPTED"

12.This Naughty Mom
A few years ago, my mom gave me her old cell phone without deleting her text messages. All of the messages consisted of her sexting my stepdad. Scarred me forever.
Oh, and I was also looking for batteries in her room the other day and found her sex toy stash. (shudders)

13.Yet Another Awkward Family Secret!
My parents were swingers before they divorced a few years ago. I knew everything. I discovered pictures of them, of them and their friends, their "playtime" videos, their toys. Everything.
What's weird is that they still hang out with some of their old swinger friends. Neither of them know that I know what them and their friends did so it's not awkward for them. But for me...

14.This Creepy Stalker
I know pretty much everything about my coworkers personal lives without talking with them about it. I'm an observer, and it drives me crazy. There's shit that I know that they have no clue that I know, without even seeking it.

15.Too Much of Breaking Bad
For me, I have an idea of how to get rid of a body without leaving evidence, thanks to Breaking Bad.
I've seen far too much on the internet, lets just say I'm desensitized to pretty much anything.
Also, I know thousands of obscure and random bits of information from the internet, that other than being mildly interesting in the right context, are completely useless!
My brain is filled with the wrong things. What about you?

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