15 People Confess The Meanest Thing They Did To Someone
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 5:10 pm
By:James Fraser
What was the meanest thing you did to someone? Don't tell us you didn't! Knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally, most of us hurt people physically and sometimes emotionally at least once in our life. The list is a collection of such stories where people revealed why and how they hurt someone. Read fifteen funny, emotional, and highly entertaining stories of people telling the meanest thing they have done to someone.
1.Well, that Escalated Quickly
A couple of years ago, I was hanging out with my best-friend and I realized that he left his Facebook open on my laptop. This was reckless behavior and I had to do something about it. I didn't want to post "coming out of the closet" status update because that was overdone. So I decided to change his relationship status to Engaged. My objective was to cause his notifications to explode and watch him deal with the barrage of awkward phone calls. I was the first to Like and comment, which made it more believable since we are best-friends. This eventually led to his break-up with his gf since it apparently opened a can of worms.

2.This Guy Who Was a Rude Kid
Not the meanest, but in kindergarten I told this kid that it would be cool if he cut my hair. Put a lock of my hair in his hand, and gave him the scissors, and told him to cut it. The second he did it, I started fake crying and brought the lock of hair to the teacher saying he cut my hair when I wasn't looking. The worst part is that I remember why I did it, and it was only because I had just realized that I could.
Kids are assholes.

3.And the Guy Who Was an Evil Kid
When I was really young (around 6) I took a sand pail like you use at the beach, went over to an ant hill, and scooped up the ants. Then I walked over to a girl that had pissed me off and dumped the contents of the pail on her head.

4.No Wonder Truth Hurts!
I got frustrated one day and told an unpopular coworker "People just tolerate you". She started crying and I realized how fucked up that was to say.

5.Teachers, Watch out for Gross Kids!
One time I borrowed a pencil from a teacher. Before I returned the pencil, I went to the bathroom and rubbed it between my buttcheeks.

6.Marking His Territory!
One time when I was 7, this girl in my class did a drawing and spent about 5-6 hours on it. It was very detailed, really well shaded, and seriously looked like it was done by an adult. So of course I whipped my tiny cock out and pissed all over it. I was suspended for 2 days and I still think about it now. She wouldn't talk to me for about a year afterwards.

7.This Act of Pure Evil
I convinced a guy that he should lather his body in IcyHot before he worked out to prevent from getting sore muscles afterwards.
15 minutes later he came running out of the gym hauling ass for the showers looking like a cooked lobster.

8.This Perfect Revenge
My now husbands ex was a little bit of a crazy. We posted pictures of a dog we were planning on adopting. Low and behold, ex girlfriend adopts said dog within 24 hours. A few weeks later she posts a vine of her blowing smoke in the dogs face and calling him stoner puppy. The dog was yelping and whining in the video.
So I copied the video to the shelter she got it from and soon she had no dog and was on probation. I guess animal control came with police officers and found a lot of goodies! No regrets.

9.This Dude Who Knows How to Hurt People Well!
I brought another girl home in front of my soon-to-be ex wife..into our old bedroom...while my then wife was sitting in the living room, watching wide-eyed and tearing up. ..and it wasn't even intentional.

10.And This Act of Vengeance
Aged 19 and out with a mate and looking for a parking spot near the pubs. A couple of 20-something girls cut us off and rolled into the spot we were obviously hanging out for (you know, up close, turn indicator blinking, etc). They nearly hit the car leaving the spot, get out laughing and pointing at us - clearly enjoying the win. Their car is a nice new Lexus and they leave the drivers side window cracked open about a half-inch. Me and my pal piss through the window crack and 3 drunk dudes come up, apparently like the idea and join in. We tell em what happened and they promise to tell others keep the flow going. Not proud of it. Also not proud that it still makes me laugh.


11.The Guy Who Separated Kids from Their Drug Addict Mom
When I was 12 my neighbor beat me up. I called the police on his mother for cocaine. She had some, I knew she did. She got arrested and convicted, she was a single mother. Both her kids got sent to some orphanage because one of them broke my nose. I was a shit person.

12.The Meanest Thing Anyone Can Do to Their Cheating Partner
Left my now ex-girlfriend stranded in another country while we were vacationing. Found out she had been cheating. Left without telling her and not before tossing out her passport.


13.This Gross and Disturbing Confession
Scrubbed a toilet with someone's tooth brush. Rinsed it off and put it back where I found it.

14.Hitting Someone Right in the Feels
I was trying to tell an ex of mine why she shouldn't do something. Turned into a huge fight and eventually she yelled "You're not my dad!" I was so angry at that point I stopped, looked her dead in the eye and said "You don't know what it's like to have a dad." (Her dad left when she was 5). I still feel bad about it but it was the best comeback I've ever had in my life.

15.This Mean Prank
I put a craiglist ad for "Lady Gaga ticket available, looking for a date. Only Gay male inquiries please". Put my buddy's number and watched his phone explode.
