15 Fast Food Confessions That Will Make You Gross Out
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 4:23 pm
By:James Fraser
Fast food is directly linked to health conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. We all know how fast food has been spoiling our health, but we still enjoy a giant burger or a deep-fried chicken snack at popular fast food chain restaurants. It's not all about the fat, high calories, artificial ingredients like MSG, but there are tons of other things about restaurant food that scare you. All the restaurants look great from outside, but do you even know what actually happen inside? We have fifteen fast food employees reveal the shocking things happen behind the cash counter, inside the kitchen!
1.Restaurant Ice Machines are Horrible
Don't trust the ice machines or soda fountains. Yes, yes, yes! They are RARELY cleaned out. Like almost NEVER. Bugs, dirt, food particles, whatever.

2.This Scary Fast Food Employee Confession
3.You May Not Be Drinking Your Favorite Sodas at all!
Not gonna say which chain but the one I used to work at was very clean and well managed. The only real secret we had was...well... Nobody was drinking the sodas they thought they were. We didn't use regular syrup in the fountain machines. If you ordered a coke, you got "panda cola" (cheap soda). If you ordered a 7-up, you got "panda lime-up".

4.The Confession that Shocks Coffee Lovers
We're supposed to regularly check and log the temperatures of the milk carafes that are available for customers to use but we get so busy that the milk usually has been sitting out for hours, rising above safe temperatures.

5.Incidents Like These are Not Uncommon, and Happen Everywhere
When I was in high school I worked at Nandos. We had a whole box of takeaway peri peri sauce packets that had passed their expiration date. The manager was so stingy he didn't want to throw them out so he made us all rub off the date so customers wouldn't know.

6.Most Restaurants Do the Same
We were supposed to change fryer oil for every couple of days. Our penny-pinching manager had us change it for every couple of weeks.

7.You Never Know What Happens Behind the Counter
Sex has more than likely happened where your food was made. It was probably statutory, and there were probably some diseases involved.
I've worked at 4 fast food places, all of them had incidents of managers screwing employees. 3 of those happened in the restaurant.

8.This is What They Do to the Leftover Food
Our manager is really stingy when it comes to throwing away food. He will keep leftover eggs from breakfast and use it the next day and if any of the food on the line looks dry or is starting to look thick he'll just poor a little water in it and there you go, "fresh" beans! Sometimes when we receive the truck full of veggies the tomatoes are really squishy and brown. I work at Taco Cabana and luckily for you guys they are only located in Texas.

9.Vegans Out There, Check This Confession!
Had a customer once ask if the Tomato Soup is vegetarian. I said I think so, and she asked if we'd check. Sure enough, she was right... most tomato soup starts with Chicken Broth.

10.Most Restaurant Employees Show Up At Work Despite Being Sick
When I was a pizza cook my boss at a Pizza Pro franchise told me that "explosive diarrhea" was not a good enough reason not to come in and put my hands in the ingredient bins and then place toppings on pizza dough that I had just kneaded.

11.This is Exactly How They Justify Their Mistakes
When I was 17 I worked at a certain taco fast food restaurant for a whole 3 weeks. I cleaned things and often would stir the sloppy moist taco beef in the giant kettle. It was often close to overflowing and many times some would fall on the (filthy) floor. I was told directly to pick it up and out it back in, as the heat would burn off any bacteria it may have picked up on the floor.

12.You May Even Be Losing A Good Portion Of Your Food!
I refuse to eat at TGIF because I briefly worked there years ago. We were not allowed lunch breaks if we were too busy. I worked 9 hours straight with no lunch, so I started stealing food from customer's plates before it went out.

13.That's horrible
At El Pollo Loco, we don't usually wear gloves when we pack chips or tortillas. I also worked at Six Flags and we once dropped a pizza before we put it in the oven but we didn't want it to be a waste so we still served it anyway.

14.And the Chicken You Eat
Chick-fil-A, the chicken salad that we sell is 2 day old chicken we never sold and it is soaked in salt water so the breading comes off easily. Then we mix all the other shit in and sell it.

15.Think Twice Before Asking the Cashiers to Suggest Something
Whenever we have ingredients that were expired, or going to expire, we tell our cashiers to subtly promote them whenever a buyer is unsure about what to buy.

Can't believe what you read just now? Well, All these are revealed by employees themselves so they are probably true and there is still more, Here are 15 Chain restaurant secrets that will make you never visit one in future.