Censored Cartoons You'll Never See On TV
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 5:59 pm
As with any form of media, even cartoons have to go through censorship before being aired worldwide. Although cartoons are not real and fictional but they too get banned from being aired if the content being displayed is not appropriate. Here are 12 censored cartoons you'll never see on TV.
10.Betty Boop - Ha! Ha! Ha! Episode
Betty Boop is no stranger to having episodes banned for being too risque, but the episode entitled Ha! Ha! Ha! was pulled because its subject matter was considered to be about drug use. We witness Betty using laughing gas on Koko as she performs some dentistry. As the gas permeates the room a typewriter begins to laugh hysterically. The gas ends up going out the window and into the streets, making everyone and everything in its wake, goofy and giddy.