15 Weirdest Museums Around The World
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 4:26 pm
By:James Fraser
Visiting a museum is not everyone's choice. A majority of tourists that travel to a country don't visit a museum. Most people find museums boring. Unless someone is really interested to see or know something that has a historical value, museums are definitely not the places to have fun. If you too have the same opinion, this list will change your opinion completely! Museums need not be boring always. Check these fifteen weirdest museums around the world that are too interesting to miss out!
4.The Torture Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Punishments in the medieval periods used to be horrible. Kings, back then, used a wide range of equipment to kill and torture criminals and rebels. The torture museum in Amsterdam has some of the world's gruesome torture and execution equipment like guillotine, thumb screws, flute of shame etc.