15 Weird Sex Laws In US
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 3:42 pm
By:James Fraser
Would you believe there are some states in United States where oral sex is illegal? United States is one of the world's greatest democracies, but if you dig deep into law book, you will find some crazy and bizarre laws. Some of these laws are still in effect, while others are void because of some federal laws. Each state in United has its own funny and bizarre sex laws! Here are fifteen weird sex laws in US we assume many people don't know.
1.Blowjob is Illegal in Louisiana
This is shocking, but you have to believe it! In Louisiana State, oral sex is considered illegal. This law may appeal some men who hate going down, but they need to remember they aren't going to receive one either! Oral sex is illegal even in North Carolina! Who can stop millions of violations every day? Well, no one!

2.Only Two Dildos Per House Allowed in Arizona
Well, if there are more than two adult females living together in a house, they have to figure out a way to sneak in and store an extra dildo in home, because having more than two dildos at a single home is illegal in Arizona. Thankfully, no police has ever raided or searched a home for an extra dildo.

3.Utah: Women are Not Allowed to Have Sex with Men in Ambulances
According to this bizarre law, female residents of Utah are not allowed to have sex with a man in ambulance. If they do, their name will be published in local news papers next day. However, men who are involved in sexual acts in ambulances will not be punished! Oh boy, what kind of a law is this?

4.Sex Toys are Illegal in Georgia
Yes, you heard it right! Sex toys are illegal in Georgia. This means even common sex toys like dildos are illegal there. Well, purchasing a sex toy can land people of Georgia in jail! As per the law, anything that's designed to stimulate human genitalia is considered illegal. It's still illegal to buy one online from other states!

5.In Iowa, Long Kisses are Illegal
There's a strange law in Iowa that restricts people to kiss only for five minutes or less. This means, if you are in Iowa, you can't kiss no longer than five minutes. Well, anything over five minutes is illegal and you may end up violating a law! You may break your kiss at 04:56 and continue kissing for another four minutes and few seconds!

6.Necrophilia is Legal is Louisiana
Oral sex is illegal in Louisiana, but one can engage in necrophilia as it's not illegal in the state. If you don't know what necrophilia is, let us tell you. Necrophilia is a sexual fetish towards dead bodies. In simple words, it means having sex with dead bodies. The picture is exactly our reaction when someone talks about necrophilia!

7.No Public Boners Allowed in South Dakota
Getting an erection in public is an embarrassing thing in the first place. In South Dakota, if you get an awkward public boner, you will be slapped with a violation in addition to the embarrassment. In South Dakota, getting a boner in public is illegal! We guess those who may get arrested in future will only have to blame god for their 'crime'!

8.In Utah, Don't Show Sex Toys to Kids Unless They are Your Kids
This is another weird law in Utah. According to the law, it's illegal and will be considered as offence if any adult shows a sex toy to a kid. There's an exception though! If you are the parent of kid, you will not be arrested!

9.In Washington, Never Ever Drop Sex Worker to Work in Your Car
We guess you know what a sex worker's work is! If you are from Washington, and if you drop a sex worker to his or her 'workplace', you may be violating a law and your car may be seized by police! Some people have this habit of picking up unknown random people and dropping them to places in their cars! They need to be little careful on this.

10.Washington Doesn't Let You Have Sex with a Virgin Unless It's on a Wedding Night
Would you believe a law in Washington prevents people from having sex with virgins! You are allowed to have sex with a virgin only on a wedding night! Well, who will monitor the violations of this law? No one! Seriously, what kind of a law is this!

11.Having Sex While Fishing is an Offence in Oblong, Illinois
There you go; one more pointless and bizarre law you will find in Oblong, Illinois. According to this law, it is illegal to have sex while fishing or hunting on your wedding day. We guess you got this law clearly. If it isn't your wedding day, you aren't committing any crime. This law is truly awkward!

12.In Utah, Sex With Animals is Legal
Sex with animals is a crime in most parts of the world, and in most US states. However, in Utah, it's not illegal if people have sex with animals! However, it's illegal and people may be committing a crime if they ever sleep with animals for cash (like acting in an animal porn movie etc). That gorilla just came to know about this law, and guess what she says to herself?

13.Law Prohibits Men from Having Sex with Live Fish in Minnesota
In Minnesota, a man may be arrested if authorities find him having sex with a live fish! Yes, this is another bizarre sex law in US. It is unclear whether it's still illegal or just fine having sex with a dead fish.

14.Missionary Style is Only Legally Acceptable Sex Position in Washington
It's Washington again! Do you know? In Washington, the only legally acceptable sex position is missionary style. It means one may be get arrested or slapped with fine if they ever get caught by authorities having sex in other styles! No one takes this law seriously. Well, if it is taken seriously, we may have to feel sorry for fat men and their wives!

15.New Mexico: Sex in Car isn't Illegal If it's Done in Lunch Break
There's a funny and bizarre law in Carlsbad, New Mexico, where it isn't illegal to have sex in car only if it is done during a lunch break. The law also mandates people who indulge in sexual activity during lunch break to make sure all the curtains are down. This is one of the nicest laws, if not the best sex law we have seen so far! (No, we aren't perverts!)
