15 People Reveal The Most Messed Up Thing They Have Seen While Using Public Transport
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 5:23 pm
By:James Fraser
If you commute by public transport daily, you are already aware of all the weird things that happen on trains and buses. While most of the people sit idle and mind their own business, some people grab the onlookers' attention for right or wrong reasons. Public transport is messy. You have good guys, bad guys, homeless people, drug addicts, alcoholics and all kinds of people traveling with you. You never know who sits next to you. You never know what happens in the next minute. Read fifteen crazy public transport mess-up stories as shared by Redditors.
1.One of Those Weird Things that Happen on Public Transport
I once saw an argument escalate until one guy stabbed the other with the smallest blade on the smallest Swiss army knife I've ever seen. Best part was the guy that got stabbed telling everyone not to worry because he deserved it and they were settling an argument. They got off the bus together and walked off in the same direction so who knows.

2.This Crackhead on a Public Bus
A few years ago, on a bus in Edinburgh heading home through a slightly dodgy area. There's only a couple of people on the upstairs deck - myself, a teenage boy with headphones on, and an old lady minding her own business. A guy gets on, maybe 30ish, total chav wearing a tracksuit etc, wanders to the back of the upstairs deck. I start to smell something weird - nothing I could identify, just weird and kind of nice in a chemically way. I turn around and so does the old lady. Chav guy is lighting his crack pipe, makes eye contact with old lady first and says, very politely "Oh I'm sorry hen, It's just ma crack. Hope ye dinnae mind." Proceeds to smoke his crack for rest of journey.

3.This Lady with Bad Temper
One time on a bus, this woman who was about 8 months pregnant and had a four year old child with her didn't get up to give her seat to an old lady. The old lady did not want the seat, she saw the pregnant lady would have had a hard time standing, and with the kid too, it would have been a mess.
But some crazy woman didn't like it, and kept yelling "PUT THAT KID ON YOUR LAP" The woman had no lap, she was 8 months pregnant, and the old lady and the pregnant woman ignored her.
Crazy lady was mad, so she lunged over, grabbed the pregnant woman by the head and smashed her into the window, also smashing the four year old, who was in the inside seat.
Blood everywhere. Everyone bugged out. Wailing from the child and pregnant woman. Pregnant woman had nail marks bleeding on her forehead, her nose was bleeding.
The crazy lady just bounced off the bus at the next stop, but there were about a million plainclothes cops around, they brought her back and the whole bus was like YEAH, HER.

4.That Was a Total Mess-up
A man was verbally abusing his ladyfriend/mother of their child about how she was "fucking up the kid" and that the kid would "turn up gay and I don't want no faggot for a son". The kid was like 18 months old. A random man told the guy to back off, and the guy punched the man in the face.

5.The Horrible Mom
I saw this a number of years back, it made me not only despise humanity but also judge my place within it.
I was riding a city bus to the university I was attending. It was early morning, right in the middle of the commute time, the bus was packed. There was a woman sitting with her son in her lap. Every so often the son would cry and she would comfort him, lovingly. I thought little of this until he yelped more than cried. She was digging her nails into his arm, until he cried and then would comfort him. I have heard of parents hurting their children for the attention themselves, or to seem like good parents, just never seen it.
As it began to happen again. A homeless man got up and got right in her face. He said to her, "We all see what the fuck you are doing, but I am the only one who doesn't care what people think of me. You cut that shit out or I will fix this problem." He was right, people were to afraid of what would happen to help the boy, it took someone more removed. She stopped (for that bus ride) and I do my best to deal with things right when I find they don't sit right with me.

6.A Rare and Interesting Sight!
Girl, maybe mid-twenties on a Friday night, blacked out - all black clothes, jet black hair, black eye shadow, black nail polish, etc. She's just standing there holding onto a pole and all of the sudden a mouse or rat crawls out from her bust and crawls up to her shoulder. She gives the thing a kiss and it runs back down and up her shirt sleeve.

7.This Weird Behavior
A homeless man beating his dick like it owed him money 3 seats away from me after a night at the bars. This was on the Red Line in Chicago. Can't say I am surprised.

8.The Most Inappropriate and Awkward Public Transport Behavior
There was a quite fashionably dressed man coming out of the metro in Paris in high heels, stockings, and a nice flowy skirt. He then proceeded to hike up said skirt, grabbed a carrot from his bag and proceeded to committed a brutal act of autosodomy for all the world to see. My girlfriend was not as impressed as I was when I drew her attention to this act of public self-love.

9.That Was Scary
This homeless man came up to me one night on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) and sat down next to me, essentially cornering me in the window seat. I thought he was going to give me the whole classic 'woe is me, money will help' tale but instead he simply removed some wrappings from his leg and revealed a wound that was rotting to the bone. Like, it was so gross that I couldn't believe it was real and he was still able to walk or... be alive I guess.
I gave him $5 and wished him well. I didn't know what else to do.

10.A Commuter's True Nightmare
Was on the Bus in Boston, and a women (?) sat down in front of me. i tried to move when i notice Little bugs crawling in her hair. then she proceeded to start coughing. she turns toward the women with a baby in a stroller next to her, and coughs right in the baby's face. the mother stands up and starts yelling at the women(?). they get into a screaming match. then the mother has enough of it, backhands the other women and gets off the bus and yells FUCKING CUNT as she steps off.


11.Public Transport Sex Isn't Uncommon
One time I saw two people with down's syndrome going at it, it was definitely the sloppiest makeout I had ever seen, and progressed to the point where he was grabbing her chest and they were humping each other and grunting. It was very uncomfortable as everyone pretended not to stare, and finally someone came up to them and told them that was something they should save for when they are in private.


12.At least, He Didn't Attack
In SF on a bus when a 6'5'' 270 pound completely naked white guy runs up to me and screams at the top of his lungs "GIVE ME A DOLLAR!!" and I shout; "NO!!" and tense up thinking he is gonna fight me, but then he just runs off and asks someone else.

13.This Strange Behavior!
This guy probably around forty years old on the bus in a superman suit. Cape, foam muscles, tights, the whole nine yards. He then sits next to me, opens his backpack, which is filled to the brim with JUST oranges. oranges. I turn away for a moment, glance back at him disgusted, and he starts crying and rubbing an orange on my shoulder furiously.
It was awful.

14.Yet Another Homeless Guy's Adventure
Just traveling on the bus in one of the front seats, reading a book, minding my own business. Then the smell hits my nose. I look around and see it.
In the middle of the bus, a drunken passed-out homeless guy had an explosive diarrhea, and it was slowly flowing out from underneath him.
Gotta love Budapest.

15.Talk to the Hand!
I saw a guy having a very intense conversation with his hand. He then started making out with his hand. I got off the bus before they could get past first base.
