15 Most Inappropriate Products Ever Made
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 8:44 pm
By:James Fraser
These fifteen images will make you wonder who on earth made them. Most of these products are a little funny, stupid or just flat out super gross. We bet you have never come across such stupid products in your entire life, or maybe you bought one of these crazy items, or invented one. Here is your turn to check out 15 of the world’s weirdest products ever made.
1.Wine, the Second Known Liquid that can be Breastfed
This is actually a bra that can store a full bottle (750 ml) of wine in its cups. This bra comes handy when you have to sneak some liquor into a cinema or other liquor restricted areas. All you have to do just fill the bra with wine or anything you want, and start sipping from the inbuilt hose whenever you want. The best part is it can increase your cup size by two full cups. Isn’t this weird bra a cheap and fun alternative to a boob job?

2.This Butt Wiping Pipe
To the geeky folks who always imagine some crazy automatic butt cleaning system in their toilet seats, this one is for you. This butt wiping stick can help people wipe without needing to touch anything. This should also work for people who are morbidly obese. Unfortunately, this butt wiping tool doesn’t come with any intelligent sensor to check for ‘cleanliness’.


3.A Toy Assault Rifle that Can Fire
This is a toy assault rifle with a cute ‘Hello Kitty’ theme. This toy gun is little different from other toy guns, as it can actually fire. If guns look this cute, everybody would love to have them including children.


4.Instant Six Pack, Delivered
Why wait for months when you can get an instant six pack with nothing more than just a grill? Watch this dumb yet funny ‘ABhancer’ that give six pack abs in just seconds. Don’t ask us how long the ‘six pack marks’ stay!


5.These Creepy Baby Head Chocolates
These aren’t dolls, these are baby-head shaped chocolates. If you think these are creepy enough not to touch, imagine eating them. These chocolates look inappropriate on so many levels. Our heart goes out to the amount of chocolate that has been wasted in making these scary looking chocolates.


6.Don’t Even Try to Imagine this crap
It is probably the worst product you have ever heard about in your entire life. What is this ‘Poopy-Time FUN SHAPES’ toy all about? It changes the shape of poop to hearts and stars. Please don’t ask us how. Let us leave this bizarre thing here and move onto seeing the next one.


7.You Don’t Have to Do This
This is just a weird instrument, and what she is attempting to do, is an uncommon way to clear out snot from her baby’s nose. This isn’t a mandatory parent thing, and you don’t need to do this. There are many good alternatives to this snot sucking method. Don’t give up on having kids.


8.These Man-Made Boobies for that are Made for Men
This isn’t just a product, but an attempt to take away that one mommy feature that makes babies love their moms more than their dads. Life is ‘hard’ for that man in the image, as is for the baby. This invention is poor and looks inappropriate on many terrible levels.

9.Princess and Her Toilet Paper Holder Crown
Are you suffering from a runny nose? No problem, we have this ‘tissue paper holder for your head’ contraption with us so that it can help you stay in control in any situation. Perfect for when your allergies flare. It is easy to install and operate. Unfortunately this product died when the company could no longer find customers who are stupid enough to buy one.

10.This Metro ‘Chinpod’
This chin stick that was invented in Japan will support your chin and make you feel comfortable and relaxed while travelling on the metro. We know the Japanese will always come hard at the world with their interesting and bizarre inventions. This one isn’t bad either.

11.When your Charger Came to Know What it Has Been Doing for its Entire Life
This was made by perverts for perverts. This ridiculous yet funny thong cover will make your phone look ridiculous. Your mobile charger, however, will like this thong case more than anyone else.


12.Clever but Inappropriate Product
Why have a vacuum cleaner or a mop when you have a baby in the house? This funny mop product will turn your crawling baby into a human cleaning system! This one is funny. It looks a little inappropriate though.

13.Pet Butt Stickers
Do you like your pet but hate its butt? Then this ‘pet butt sticker’ is for you. Just stick these colorful stickers on your pet’s butt, and you never ever have to see or deal with its sight or smell anymore. This is outrageous, right?


14.Where are We Heading?
What do you call those people who buy and sell ‘diet water’? Water is one of the very few things in the world that don’t carry any calories. Then, what’s so special about this diet water? Nothing, just another marketing trick!


15.Good Way to Make a ‘Hand’ Sandwich
It looks like makers of bread gloves never did any product testing. Anyone who is up for a sandwich made out of their own hands can try this.

