15 Images That Show Striking Differences Between Kids In 90s And Kids Today
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 3:15 pm
By:James Fraser
Of all the generations, 90s and pre 90's kids are lucky, as they have enjoyed technology as well as traditional lifestyle. Though technology is there from a long time, it starts to bud and spread to global consumers in a large scale only from 90s onwards. Life of people, especially kids, is lot different in 90s than today. Here are fifteen images that show striking difference between 90s kids and kids these days.
1.Dressing: Then and Now
90s is a great fusion of modernity and old fashion. Kids in the first picture were wearing clothes that were cool back in those days. The second picture is what we commonly see teens doing these days. 90s kids and their parents will immediately find the difference between the two photos. The more the earth ages, the shorter the dresses become! Let's not put the blame on global warming!

2.Boys: Then and Now
The first picture shows you popular 90s fashion where young folks tuck-in their tees, which was really cool at that time. Let's not talk about today's fashion deeply! We all know what today's fashion is like! The second picture gives you a clear idea on what most people think fashion is today. These two pictures show how fashion has evolved over the years.

3.Teen Pregnancies: Then and Now
Though teen pregnancies were not uncommon in 90s, but they were definitely not considered cool or casual like most teen girls treat pregnancies today. In 90s, if a girl found she was pregnant, she would consider that as her life's biggest mistake! Well now, teens are asking their moms to call MTV if they find out they are pregnant!

4.Playtime: Then and Now
90s kids around the world love playing outdoors. Back in those days, school playgrounds, local parks used to be jam-packed with kids playing around. Unfortunately, playtime for today's kids mean playing video games or RPG games on their gaming consoles or mobile phones. Technology has brought down physical activity in children drastically over last two decades.

5.Staying in Home: Then and Now
If you are a 90s kid, you will immediately understand what street lights are meant for other than lighting up streets. Street lights are indication that it was the end of the playtime, and kids need to go back to their homes! Today, kids do whatever they want and go wherever they want! The first and second picture shows you a clear difference between life of 90s kids and kids today.

6.Photos: Then and Now
Camera was a special occasion gadget in 90s and it used to spend most of its time resting somewhere safely in house. Today, almost every individual including kids carries a camera inbuilt smartphone. Most 90s kids hate to share their childhood pictures as they look more or less like the one in the first picture! The second picture needs no further explanation!

7.Girlfriends: Then and Now
Kids these days need not to hit puberty or whatsoever to have girlfriends/boyfriends or crushes. A 9 year old kid today knows a lot more about relationships and romance than what a 9 year old knew back in 90s. These two pictures clearly show you the difference between 90s kids and kids today.

8.Halloween Costumes: Then and Now
What the heck is wrong with that dad in the second picture? Well, the second picture is a solid proof how Halloween costumes evolved in last twenty years. In 90s, Children's Halloween costumes were mostly not age inappropriate, which is not the case today. You can see all sorts of funny, weird and stupid Halloween costumes nowadays which are mostly inappropriate for kids.

9.Video Games: Then and Now
90s kids were lucky because they were able to experience some nice and really exciting thing at that time, which is video gaming! It was a dream for 90s kids to own a Game Boy! Like all other things, video gaming too evolved a lot in last two decades! Kids these days love video games, but they can never experience the 90s kids thrill of playing those brick games.

10.Communication: Then and Now
Telephone was the most used mode of communication in 90s which then ended the previous generation's mode of communication, which was postal letters/cards. However, 90s kids do know the taste of awesome postal communication as most of their grandparents still used to write them a letter or two. Today, internet is killing even the conventional phone communication, as more and more people communicate via mobile apps and text chats.

11.Gadgets: Then and Now
From Tamogatchi, LEGOs to spiked rubber balls, 90s kids used to posses a wide range of cool and unique playing gadgets that kept them busy and happy always. Kids these days have access to best toys and gadgets, but still complain of boredom. Remember, 90s kids hardly have any personal electronic gadgets expect their hand-held video gaming devices.

12.TV Shows: Then and Now
90s kids always had time to watch their favorite TV shows like 'The Powerpuff Girls'. Many of the today's classic cartoon TV shows were initially aired during 90s. But kids of this generation show more interest in internet and social networking than TV shows. Many adults, who are 90s kids, still continue watching TV shows.

13.Family Time: Then and Now
Back in 90s, families used to spend quality time. The bonding within the family was usually great, and kids used to respect their parents way better than today's kids. The first and second pictures tell you how families were used to be in 90s, and how they are in 2015. Most families today are a mess.

14.Classrooms: Then and Now
Back in 90s, classrooms in school look something like that you see in the first picture. Classrooms used to have lots of banners, notes and many subject related objects and cool educational and informational goodies. These days classrooms look more like advanced scientific labs with technology replacing everything from sticky notes to blackboard.


15.Music: Then and Now
90s kids grew up listening to music of Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Nirvana and few other top pop stars. Be it pop or rap, music in 90s was so great that we listen to those classics even today. Most of the music produced today is junk, except a few exceptionally talented singers who come up with good songs occasionally.
