15 Images That Are Hard To Believe But Are Actually Real
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 6:08 pm
By:James Fraser
We frequently hear people saying ‘nothing is impossible’, but we hardly see anything with our eyes that are too unreal to believe! Let us show you 15 real images that make you wonder if they are real at all! These images are real, and every one of them has a story. No amateur photoshop skills on display!
1.Meet Daredevil Dean Potter
Can you imagine doing something like this? Walking on a rope, hundreds of feet above the ground, with no safety measures whatsoever is imaginable and undoable for most of us. The man in this picture is Dean Potter, an American free climber. This is a picture of him pulling off daredevil stunt at Yosemite Point.

2.A Man with an Empty Eye Socket
The man in the picture is Billy Owen, who lost his eye and portion of his inside face, due to a very rare cancer. Billy survived the deadly cancer, and went on to become a zombie actor! He can stick his finger in his mouth and out through his empty eyeball socket! This is unbelievable!

3.Yes, Humans too can Walk on Water
Trust us, this is not a fake image! This is a perfectly timed photograph taken at the exact moment of feet touching water when jumped from a springboard. The best part is that this boy managed to keep an upright posture to give a real cool pose to the camera.

4.Why Photoshop When You Have Makeup
Beauty, makeup, photoshop always relate to each other. If you look closely at this image, you may think that this image was edited by a photoshop newbie using all those filters. Let us tell you that no photoshop skills were wasted on this photo! The lady in this image is ‘Detox Icunt’ is an American drag queen, who put up a ‘black and white’ makeup.

5.A Real Big Goldfish
You never thought goldfish can grow this big, do you? Even we! Check this unbelievably big gold fish that don’t fit in any of our aquariums! This isn’t the only fish that grew big. You can find these over sized goldfishes here and there in China.

6.A Man with Two Heads
This rare medical condition is called craniopagus parasiticus, in which the patients have second head attached to their skull. This is the case of Edward Mordake, who is heir to one of the richest families in England. Edward has a small head attached to the back of his skull. His parasitic head can’t eat or speak, but can laugh and cry. Edward poisoned himself to death when he was 23 year old because he no longer could deal with the whispers made by his parasitic head.

7.This Tiger with Down Syndrome
Have you ever seen an animal with Down syndrome? Here it is! Meet Kenny, a white tiger with Down syndrome. Kenny’s Down syndrome is the result of inbreeding. The tiger, however, looks cute, keeping all its charm intact!

8.This Photo of a Doctor doing a Surgery on Himself
The person you see in the image is Dr. Leonid Rogozov, a Russian doctor who is well known for his self surgery. He was as appointed as a doctor in one of the Russia’s Antarctic expeditions, where he has to conduct to an emergency appendix surgery on himself as he is the only doctor around.

9.An Uninvited Guest
Imagine you are happily diving under water on a holiday peacefully, with no traces of human being whatsoever until you find a bunch of people attending an underwater wedding! Same thing was happened in this photo!

10.Too Beautiful to Believe
Meet twin sisters Kian and Remee, one born as black and one born as white. This is a very rare genetic combination. The girls’ mom and dad have a black father and a white mother.

11.This is How People Used to Wake up On Time Before the Invention of Alarm Clocks
Have you ever wondered how people would wake up in the olden days on time with no alarm or whatsoever? In the olden days, there used be people whose only job is waking up people on time! These human alarms are known by the name ‘knocker-up’.

12.A Man who Become a Cat
Meet Dennis Avner, who underwent 14 surgeries in a bid to make himself look like a female tiger. He also holds the world record for most number of permanent body modifications to look like an animal. He underwent complicated surgeries like permanent nose, lip, and earlobe modifications to get that cat look.

13.Here’s a Double Banana
If you are lucky enough, you would get these rare double bananas at the cost of one! We often see twin bananas. This isn’t a twin banana, as they are still counted as two. This Double banana will have two fruits hidden under single skin.

14.A Real Life Barbie
Meet Valeria Lukyanova, an Ukrainian model, who is known for her Barbie doll like features. Makeup, diet and exercise are her secrets behind her impressive look. According to her, breast implants is the only body modification she has gone through.

15.The Tongue Eating Parasite
This will be one of those you hope you never see or hear about. This parasite called cymothoa exigua enters a fish mouth from its gill and sticks onto the fish’s tongue. It slowly eats off the tongue and replaces itself as fish’s new tongue. The fish will even have control on its newly formed parasitic tongue!
