15 Disturbing Images You Never Want To See
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 11:03 pm
By:James Fraser
We bring you some craziness from around the world, jam-packed in 15 pics that will make you yell “WTF!”. If you are a neatness freak, or good at organizing things, you will remember these images for a long time. Nevertheless, these images are a sign that there are always two kinds of people on this planet.
Scroll your way down to check out these images, but do not yell at us for showing them to you.
1.This Messed up Toilet Roll
Oh yeah! Things like these do exist on the planet here and there! Nobody knows what on earth is going on in the minds of people when they actually do stuff like this. What a waste! We really hope the person who took the snap of this crazy toilet roll rectified it way before he or she yells ‘Oh sh!t!’.


2.A Pizza with its Heart Stolen
Seriously, who would cut a pizza like this? This sad and poor looking pizza is definitely enough to break the hearts of many pizza lovers, especially master pizza cutters! As we said earlier, there are two kinds of people on this planet; a group that eats pizza and a group that massacres it!


3.The Faucet that Hates your Hand
This picture is a nightmare for the people who are suffering from germophobia. Just in case you do not know what germophobia is; it is fear of germ contamination. People who suffer from germophobia will wash their hands round the clock, all 7 days a week! Pressing hands against the back of the sink does not feel good though even for normal people.

4.This Perfectly Wet Spoon in Sugar
Sugar sticking to the wet spoon is one of the few annoying things we need to deal with in the kitchen. Neither the spoon, nor the water love sugar, but it is a little kitchen fail that makes them stick together!


5.The Chronicles of Five Paper Towel Dispensers
Having one paper towel dispenser makes sense. Two dispensers are okay, three dispensers are a little too much, but five dispensers located all in one place next to each other is simply absurd. This image makes no sense at all unless the paper towel dispensers declared a war against wetness and stuck to the wall on their own!

6.The Toilet Paper That is Ten Light Years Away
Unless this toilet is made for people with unusually long arms, it makes no sense at all. Since it looks like it is already in use, we only imagine people standing and bending right as if they are doing some kind of exercise; all to get a piece of paper to clean sh!t!


7.Scissors that Need another pair of Scissors to Open
This is for sure one of those moments where you wonder what God is doing to you. We buy scissors because we may have lost some, or do not have any. But needing to use scissors to open a new pair of scissors is just ludicrous.


8.Not Just this Pan, But Your Entire Life is a Lie
“Food does not stick to our pans, just stickers and paper,” said a troll of non-stick pan manufacturers, when asked! Whatever, the irony in this image is too strong to ignore.


9.Urinals for Bros
A single drunk guy may break a urinal, but can’t construct it. If not a drunk guy, who else would have made it? These super uncomfortable urinals stand as an everlasting symbol for utter stupidity.


10.The Spoon lost in the soup
Isn’t it annoying when your spoon falls into the soup and gets immersed in hot liquid! Life will not be good and the soup stops tasting great until we clean the spoon and dry it. It is just one of those little discomforts that are too irritating to ignore.

11.The Lifeless Little Water Fountain
Don’t we all just hate to meet these water fountains, which almost make us lick them to drink some water? It will be evenmore annoying when we find these dried up fountains after being thirsty for a long time.

12.Meeting the Love of Your Life on the 13th Floor
The 13th Floor is missing! How can there be any building with a missing floor? Life is hard, this superstitious elevator knows it; it will not help you as it harbors the love of your life on the elusive 13th floor!


13.This Cannot Get Any Worse
1. What is the tap doing there?
2. Why is there a wall socket?
3. Why are the above two things fitted on the floor?
Guess, and let us know!

14.The ‘Holeway’ to Heaven
As there are no children present in the picture, we really hope they all are busy studying in their classrooms. We also hope that this entrance way is not filled with missing children. This image surely makes us all question the sanity of human beings.

15.ATM for Kids, Dwarfs, Dogs, Cats etc
Don’t ask us where this ATM is, but let us happily show you the most weird ATM you have ever seen in your life! Imagine how uncomfortable it is to sit there and withdraw cash.

