15 Creepiest Things Ever Said By Children
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 6:54 pm
By:James Fraser
Children are cute. They talk very sweet. At times, they speak crazy stuff and do bizarre things out of nowhere. Knowingly or unknowingly, they speak out things that are inappropriate or shouldn't be spoken by them. If you have kids, you may have similar stories like these. Here are fifteen creepiest things ever said by children to their parents or other family members.
Note: These stories are shared by parents to a question "what's the creepiest thing you ever heard your child saying?" The images don't belong to the real story, and are meant only for reference.
1.That Was Little Too Violent
When she was about 3 years old, we had a kitten that had still born kittens. She asked if we could make crosses for them, which I did. As I was making them, she asked:
"Aren't those too small?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Her: "Aren't we going to nail kittens to them?"
Me: (After several moments of silence) "No, we aren't going to do that."
Her: "Oh!"
We wonder what this girl becomes when she grew up.

2.Goodbye, Dad
I was tucking in my two year old. He said, "Goodbye, dad." I said, "No, we say good night." He said, "I know. But this time it's good bye."
Poor dad must have had his heart in his mouth for a second! Let's hope the kid greeted his dad good morning the next day!

3.That Scariest Moment When Your Kid's Imaginary Friend Meets You
Mom: Go back to sleep, there isn't anything under your bed.
Son: He's behind you now.
This is the creepiest thing a parent could ever hear! Well, let's hope there's nothing scary standing behind the mom!

4.Monster Baby!
My 3 year old daughter stood next to her newborn brother and looked at him for a while then turned and looked at me and said, "Daddy, it's a monster… we should bury it."
We hope the dad takes enough care of his newborn child!

5.This Daughter Who is a Little Too Violent for Her Age
I was sound asleep, and at around 6 AM I was woken by my 4 year old daughter. Her face was inches away from my face. She looked right into my eyes and whispered, "I want to peel off all your skin."
It was definitely not a sweet thing to listen early in the morning!

6.That Sounds Scary
My kid's catholic school is over 100 years old. There is a basement under the gym that's used for storage. I was subbing once and during recess one of the kick balls goes down the stairs. A little girl was standing at the top of the stairs yelling "just throw it up to me". I went over and asked who she was talking to and she replied "that big man down the stairs" I went down and there was nobody down there and it was the only way in.
I asked some of the other kids if they have seen the man before and they said "yes, but sister told us not to talk to him". I asked them to describe "sister" and they described a nun and there haven't been nuns at the school in 40 years.

7.Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Die Die Die Die Die
My daughter went though phase where she couldn't stop telling 'hi' to random things. She wouldn’t stop saying hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi.
Over the weeks, this 'hi' thing turned into 'die' and she used to sound more like 'die'. Die die die die die die die…
I once asked her, "Why should you always say hi?"
She replied, "Dieeeeee."

8.Kids These Days Grow Up Very Fast
"Mommy look what I learned!" inserts tongue into mom’s mouth during good night kiss.
"I learned it from a movie! It means you love someone!"
Mom calmly gets up without saying a word and walks to her room.
Old generation kids didn't know all these things even at an age they should know! Kids these days are very fast!

9.Death is the Poor Man's Doctor
I was on a bus recently and we were stopped outside a walk-in clinic. A little girl in the seat in front of me turned to her dad and said, "Death is the poor man's doctor." And that was that.
What an amazing quote!

10.Another Horror Story
Why are you crying?
"Bad man."
What bad man?
"There." Points behind me at a dark corner of the room
Lamp on bookshelf next to said darkened corner falls off as soon as I turn to look.
She slept in our bed that night.
Oh boy, this experience looks really scary!

11.Just a Random Thought
"So I shouldn't throw him in the fire?"
3 year old daughter holding her baby brother for the first time.

12.That's a Bad Wish, Little Boy
He was cuddling with her(Grandmother) and being very sweet (he was about 3 at the time). He takes her face in his hands, and brings his face close to hers, then tells her that she's very old, and will die soon.
Then he makes a point of looking at the clock.
Kids often try to imitate their parents. If you aren't talking right, Don't expect from them either.

13.Waves of Blood, Ocean of Gore!
My niece was sitting on the couch with a weird look on her face. Her mom asked her what she was thinking about, and she said, "I'm imagining the waves of blood rushing over me."
Turned out they had been at a local science museum with an exhibit on the circulatory system. One of the features was a walk among some giant fake blood vessels, and she was remembering that.

14.We Can Guess What This Kid Will Become When Grow Up
My 4 year old son asked my pregnant sister if there was a baby in her belly. My sister replied "yes", to which he rushed to the kitchen to grab a knife and came out running and said "Hurry!! we need to get it out."
Thank god, as the kid didn't plan it in the middle of the night!

15.She's a Genius
My youngest daughter(around 5 at the time) once drew a picture of a black monster, looked up at me, and said "He told me to draw this. He's coming for you. You better hide."
She was clearly trying to scare her mom! Genius!
