15 Guys Reveal The Hints They Didn't Get When A Girl Invited Them In
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 4:44 pm
By:James Fraser
Most girls don't tell you to come over and have sex even if that's what they want. They keep dropping hints, and you need to catch them at the right time. 'Chick magnets' are those men who can catch the smallest clues. The oblivious guys don't understand a thing about girl's body language. They only get it when a girl explicitly asks them out for sex. Are you curious to know what kind of signs girls give to guys? Read these stories shared by fifteen men about how they didn't catch the hint and lost an opportunity to get laid!
4.This Man Missed the Big Hint too
During my University years one of my classmates asked me if I wanted to study with her, I said "sure" and she told me to come by her place around 5 so we can study, have some dinner and study some more. Instead, I told her that it would be much easier to study in the library because we will have access to all the resources we may need. After graduation she told me she had a huge crush on me and that she spent a lot of time to build up the courage to invite me over