12 Relationships Memes That Will Make You Say So Us
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 1:13 pm
By:James Fraser
Can you tell us what the biggest challenge in life is? Graduating? No! Making money? No! Okay, let us say. The most difficult thing we all face in our lives is making a relationship work better. From finding someone to share our love to make them like us back, we have to struggle a lot to make them ours. Winning a girl or guy doesn't necessarily mean a happy ending. That is when things start to take a different shape, and even the tiniest bit of nonchalance or negligence weakens the relationship. With that being said, there's no guarantee that two loving couple will stick together longer. Let us shed some light on relationships with these entertaining and humorous relationship memes!
1.Show Me Your Phone!
Ask my kidney, and I will give it, but don't ask my phone's password, says an average young person of this generation! Asking your partner to share their phone's password is nothing but invading their privacy. Simultaneously, rejecting to show your phone contents sends wrong signals to your partner. Your S.O. thinks you are cheating on them, and if you are not cheating on them, just tell them why you are reluctant to share your phone's password. Know a couple that's fighting over passwords? Just tell them to part ways because their relationship doesn't have enough juice to last long.

2.A Common Universal Problem
Hey, girl, admit it, you don't like it when you are awake, but your boyfriend's still sleeping! You want him to be talking all the time, at least as long as you don't sleep. If you think that's cute, this meme just tells you what exactly men think about that behavior. Everyone loves their sleep and wants to extend their sleep for few extra minutes in the morning, so value their wish and let them slumber in their bed.

3.A Relationship As Strong As Her Jeans Threads
Aren't those threads hurting her? Well, that's the first question that came into our minds after seeing this picture! That weird denim and those fleshy lumps on her skin are reminding us many things including Michelin Man and beef sausages! Getting back to the point - someone said they needed a relationship as strong as her jeans thread, which is hilarious! Hey, if you want your relationship with your partner to be strong, you just need to love them and show them that you care and love them.

4.When She's Your Girl Vs. When You Break Up
Ex-girlfriends do look beautiful after a breakup, and there are many reasons for it. One important reason is that whenever you have an opportunity to see your ex, you are only going to see them with makeup and beautiful clothes. You no longer can see them how they look in their home. Another reason is that most girls try their best to get in shape after a breakup as an attempt to find a potential suitor or distract themselves from breakup woes.

5.This Awkward Situation
"When you chillin with your girl and get a text after 11 and act like you ain't hear it!"
Well, most men can relate to this situation! It's not like a man is cheating, but a text message at that time just sends chills downs the spine. The message can be from a new female friend, coworker, a random girl you have met recently, or from a family member or a best friend. The problem is you never know who sent that message, and if you open it and it happens to be from a girl, your girlfriend is going to sense the panic in your face and demands for an explanation. This happens only if your girl is insecure, though.

6.The Most Important Part Of Any Relationship Is
"The most important part of any relationship is the first open fart!"
Hey, it's okay to fart in front of your boyfriend or girlfriend, and if you can do that, it means you are already in a great relationship. The key to a happy and strong relationship is being able to act and move freely when your partner is around. Everyone in this world farts, but that's just a private affair, and most people find it embarrassing to do that with people around. If your partner can fart freely in your presence, don't treat that as bad behavior. Just notice how comfortable they are with you!

7.This Insecure And Obsessive Girlfriend
"When bae ain't responding, so you assume the worst and start planning on how you gonna kill his ass!"
Most girls show the traits of possessiveness to some extent, but some of them take it to an extreme level. Obsessive girlfriends aren't cute at all, in fact, guys see them as psychos. Overly-attached girlfriends need to address their behavioral problems without which it is virtually impossible for them to have a long and happy relationship.

8.Guys Vs. Girls After Breakup
We live in a world where it is easy for a girl to find a boy of her dreams than for a boy to find, impress, and win his dream girl. This is what makes an average man constantly running behind women. This meme neatly describes the situation even though it is a bit of exaggeration. An average man has little value in our society unless he is rich or physically well endowed. The case is not the same with women, as they carry much more value than men from an appearance perspective.

9.Stubborn Girlfriend Problems
"When she refuses to see what she did wrong in the relationship."
Many people, at one point in their lives, struggled a lot to explain things to their ignorant partners and exasperated as they refused to accept or assess realities. Some people intentionally don't accept facts, apologize for their mistakes, or show interest to save a failing relationship. As someone who is dealing with such partner, you need to take that behavior as your partner's way of telling you to end things.

10.Girls Can Relate
"When you had a bad day, and you finally see bae!"
Seeing someone you love the most at the end of a bad day does take away all the sadness and helps one start things freshly. That's the beauty of being in a relationship with a right person. However, if you somehow stuck with a wrong person, things become even worse, and they even drive you crazy. This is a cute relationship meme, by the way.

11.Reason Why Women Are Hard To Understand
"When bae says "What you want?" and you say "get me whatever" and he brings back the wrong thing!"
Why can't she just tell what she wants? Hey, look, this is exactly the problem with women. When you ask them if they want something, they never answer you straight. According to them, you are supposed to know what they love and should bring things they love to them. If you don't, they create memes like this and put them on the internet! Women want you to understand them completely, but when you attempt to do that, they accuse you of invading their privacy or not giving them their space! Men do this a lot too. Whether you are girl or boy, you need to speak clearly and concisely.

12.Finally, A Meme For Single Guys
Some people love food so much that they don't care even if they don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend! Just look at this hilarious meme and see how neatly it drew a parallel between a girl's hand and a pack of food! Holding hands of a boy or girl makes many people happy, but for foodies, the story is different! All they hope for is some food in their hand round the clock. So, if you are single then check out our hilarious single memes list.