15 Times People Exposed Their Cheating Partners On Facebook
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 5:18 pm
By:James Fraser
When there was no Facebook or Twitter, people used to try different methods to expose and shame their cheating partners! However, people these days need no more than social media to do the same. Here are fifteen pictures of cheaters being exposed on Facebook by their estranged partners.
1.Should We Have "I Cheated" Status on Facebook?
We see two broken hearts here! First - the guy who got engaged to this lady might have had a real bad time knowing that she cheated on him. Second, that random invisible guy who was hoping her to become single again, could have felt really bad knowing she had another secret boyfriend! Things were indeed complicated!

2.STDs add insult to injury!
Now, the world knows Jamie has cheated on his girlfriend Natalie. We all came to know he had some kind of STD (sexually transmitted disease). We feel sorry for Natalie. Cheating isn't a great thing. Having multiple sexual affairs with men or women (or both!) without protection is worse. If people come to know you have STDs, you may never get that right partner again in life.

3.Is It the Black 38-C?
This is hilarious! It looks like he fell for the 'booby trap'. As you can see in the image, he asked which bra the girl was talking about. He tried to cover up, but failed terribly! This is one of the funniest images we have seen so far. Read again, you will laugh once again!

4.Cheater Gave Owner a Sock
Yes, That's a Harry Potter reference! 'Master gave dobby a sock!' Similarly, the cheater gave owner a sock! It's amazing how people can openly post sensitive matter online! It may be because of pain.

5.An Unwelcomed Guest
The lady who asked 'how did we meet' didn't see that reply coming! That funny and awkward reply from Jesse would definitely embarrass Sarah! This one keeps getting funnier if you keep reading it again and again. We don't often see something like this happen on Facebook, so watch and have good time laughing.

6.Setting Souls on Fire
Take your time and read the entire confession! We bet you will laugh so hard at this one. Imagine those two people reading this confession! They will be embarrassed. Everyday thousands of people get caught cheating. This isn't new. What's interesting and funny here is that super villain effort put by that lady!

7.Never Forget to Logout from Facebook for that One Last Time!
As you can see, a random girl has cheated on his boyfriend and left him for a 40 year old man. It looks like she checked everything before leaving except her Facebook account which is logged in at the time of leaving. Her boyfriend found this out and posted this message on her Facebook Timeline.

8.Mother of All 'Caught Cheating' Facebook Posts
This person has taken shaming on Facebook to an all new level! Going by the image, it looks like the girl was caught cheating, as you can't tell who that guy was. This is really, really, awkward! We guess the lady there needs another twenty years to forget this incident and get over it.

9.That Awkward Moment You Forgot Your GF too is on Facebook
This is totally hilarious! We guess that guy has messed up everything with that funny status message. We never know if he was serious or just joking. We feel pity for this guy for the amount of explanation he has to give his girlfriend over his awkward status message. Aren't relationships too funny these days?

10.Why Would You Keep Your Facebook Logged in If You are Cheating!
Some people don't even know how to cheat, but do it anyway! This man, who is happily cheating on his girlfriend with five other girls, forgot to logout his Facebook. You can see what happened next! Now all his friends, family members, and even colleagues know what he has done.

11.This is Weird and Awkward
Kevin, you would never wake up from your sleep if you know what happened on your Facebook! His two girlfriends met each other in a real funny and awkward way. What was Kevin's girlfriend doing with his Facebook account? Does his girlfriend (the one who posted a status message) know he already has a girlfriend? So many questions!

12.This Went Viral
As you can see in the image, some random lady posted this photo of a man on her Facebook Timeline, claiming he has been bragging about his multiple affairs. Do you really think he was exposed? It may be true or may be not. We never know what this guy had spoken unless there's video evidence. He might be the biggest cheater or this lady may be a bragging queen. We will never know.

13.She F*cking Hate Men
You only understand the pain when you experience it! As you can see in the image, that girl is complaining that someone has cheated on her. Her ex boyfriend has exposed her telling she has cheated on him. Her boyfriend too took that opportunity to tell everyone he has cheated on her because he saw the picture of her kissing another man! Well, this is awkward!

14.We Heard You Like Photos!
There you go - one more 'caught in the act' photo. This heartbroken boyfriend shared this picture on his cheated girlfriend Facebook. It's very painful when your loved ones cheat on you. Some people do crazy and weird things out of hurt, pain etc. Sometimes such acts can be devastating to other people, driving them towards depression or self-harm.

15.One More Dude Who Forgot to Lock His Facebook
At least this girl has got some sense of humor, which will eventually save Alan from getting shot! If you think people like Alan are accidentally getting caught, you are wrong. Sometimes, people search ways to let their partner know 'it should be the end'. They try different things to send feelers.

So dear readers, Cheating is not a new thing, Cheaters are everywhere, Even some of the top celebs have cheated on their partners. But here is what you can do to make sure your partner isn't cheating on you by following these guidelines to check if your partner is cheating on you or not. And before you leave, Here are 15 more Cheaters who got owned publicly by their partner, # 6 is so hilarious. :D