15 Signs You Are In Relationship With Your Bed
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 6:24 pm
By:James Fraser
Beds are for sleeping. However, in our busy lifestyles, we use beds for more than just sleeping. For some people, bed is everything! They eat, drink and sleep on beds. Few people take their love towards bed to extreme levels! Do you love your bed? Here are fifteen signs that tell you if you are in a relationship with your bed!
1.Sun Rise? What It Is?
Most of us hate to wake up early because we hate going to school or work! However, some people hate to get up because they don't like missing their bed, and always feel like spending some more time on their cozy bed. You know you are in a relationship with bed if you hate waking up early in the morning!

2.You Need Human Alarms
You already set your alarm for every five minutes after 7 AM on your smartphone. In addition, you snooze it for every 10 minutes when the last alarm rings. Even with all these, you need someone in your family, friends or roommates to wake you up. You can't move away from your bed even for a minute!

3.Bed is Where You Stay Fit
You hardly believe in morning walks. You absolutely hate going to gyms or fitness centers. You love staying fit using none other than your bed. You turn, twist, roll and twirl and do all kinds of exercises on bed. If you ever found yourself doing a cool exercise like this girl in the picture, you are surely having a relationship with your bed.


4.You Eat and Drink on Bed
You prefer eating your food on bed than on a dining table. Be it snack or lunch, you love munching on your favorite food on your bed accompanied by your favorite book, or favorite TV show in laptop. You hardly care about spills, and you enjoy your food more on bed than anywhere else in the world.

5.Bed Brings Out Beautiful You
You love using bed for multiple purposes. You use it mostly to get yourself ready for work or college. Be it for applying mascara or putting contacts, you do everything on your bed. You strongly believe bed is most comfortable than any other thing in home when comes to getting ready to out.

6.Oh My... Bed!
You can't stop thinking about your bed, especially those times in the afternoon where you feel sleepy. You remember your bed and the comfort you have on it whenever you are stressed out or bored. If you ever go to friends' or relatives' house, you miss your bed the most, and can't wait to come back to your home to just jump and fall on your bed.

7.When Your Bed Calls You
Your bed misses you too! It calls you when you are at work or when you need to focus on something seriously! You may even dream that you are sleeping on your bed when you are actually not. The man in the image is clearly dreaming about his bed. If you ever find yourself dreaming for your bed, you are really in a relationship with it, and you simply can't let it go!

8.High Five to Bed
You know how to 'hi five' a bed when you are back home after a long time out. You jump and fall on it with happiness and deep sense of relaxation. This is how you give a 'high five' to it. Though it hurts a little, your bed don't mind your act at all. In fact it loves it! You are said to be in a relationship with bed if falling on bed is the first thing you do after going home.

9.Your Socialization Starts and Ends on Your Bed
No, we don't mean you meet friends, family or random people on your bed! What we are saying is that you try to interact with people from your bed using your laptop or smartphone. You love socializing on social media than socializing in real world. The only friend or family member you will love meeting everyday is indeed your bed!

10.You Keep Saying 'Miss You' to Your Bed
You keep saying 'miss you' to your bed whenever you are back home after spending a long time out. Normal people don't speak to beds or hug them, but people who are in a relationship with bed do that often! For you, bed is your best friend and it deserves all the love! At times, when you are angry, you even say 'Screw you, bed'!

11.You Celebrate on Your Bed
You stand up and jump on bed whenever you hear good news, or whenever you feel happy. You jump on bed if your crush replies to your message. You jump for silly little reasons. You may at times do it because you wanted be physically active as people are complaining that you are spending most of your time on bed.

12.Your Bed Knew Your Tears than Many
You weep on your bed often, listening to sad songs, and thinking about random bad things happening to you. You may shed few tears for your ex girlfriend/boyfriend or your new crush who got engaged to your cousin! You often find bed a most comfortable place to cry!

13.Bed is Where You Unleash Real You
You may be a shy person at school, or a reserved person at work. You may be awkward, or have social anxiety! Let us tell you, bed is one place where you unleash the beast in you and do many things you think of doing outside, from singing to dancing! People dream on beds, but you make your dreams come true on a bed!

14.Bed is Bedder than Bedder Half
We mean bed is better than better half! You may have already taken your relationship with bed to an all new high and raunchy level with acts like you see in the image. Please don't mind if you don't have an intimate relationship with your bed! We know and we understand you prefer to keep your things private and don't like third person knowing it. (Yes, bed is the second person!!!)

15.You End Your Day Like This