15 Reasons Why People Cheat In A Relationship
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 7:20 am
By:James Fraser
The concept of cheating is very complex. Some people cheat because they are done with their partner. Some cheat on their partners because they are bored of their partners while a majority of them do it for fun and adventure because they think it's get away with it. Cheating is not all about having sex with someone else other than your partner; It's actually about sharing the love, intimacy, and loyalty to that third person. When you are in a relationship, you have that sense of belonging to your partner. This bond actually keeps the relationship going. Want to know why people cheat? Here are fifteen reasons why people cheat in a relationship.
1.The Relationship is Over
Cheating is a major sign that your partner is not happy with you. It is often a reminder that your relationship has come to an end, and it's time to move on. They realize that you are not the one they are looking for as a lifetime partner.

2.The Relationship is on the Rocks
When a relationship isn't going good, it makes people depressed. The fights, arguments and the drama makes life miserable. At this point, people get close to that 'someone' who offers the much-needed love and warmth which results in them sleeping with that 'someone' and cheating on their current partner.

3.Bad Sex Life
Sex is a very important part of a relationship. If one of the partners is bad at sex, or not keen about it, the other might find their relationship incomplete. It's hard to control the sexual urge; people find no option but to find an alternative to fulfill that urge.

4.Emotional Dissatisfaction in Relationship
After all, a relationship is a psychological bonding between two people. Most of us love to have that partner who loves us, who is playful and cuddly. If one of the partners is emotionally inept, the other partner may seek someone else.

5.Hyper-sexuality or Higher Sex Drive
Some people think about sex round the clock. It's so because they have an unusually strong sex drive. Such people aren't rare. This hyper-sexuality too makes people cheat on their partner, as their partner may not show interest in frequent sex.

6.Failing to Reach Expectations
Before a couple moves in, they have many expectations on how their life is going to be. If it is not the way they have expected or wanted it to be, they may seek someone else.

7.Thrill and Curiosity
Curiosity! Most of us love and seek thrills in life. Some people, however, see cheating as an adventure. They find cheating as an out of the box experience.

8.Falling in Love with Someone Else
Being in a relationship doesn't stop your mind from getting attracted to people, or falling in love with them. When a person finds that one missing trait in that third person, they eventually fall for them.

9.They are Selfish
Some people are selfish. All they want is their happiness, and hardly care about the feelings of their partner. If selfish people find someone better, they happily cheat or dump their current partner.

10.They Cheat For Money
Some people cheat on their partners with their employers or someone else for money or a raise. It doesn't mean they don't love their partners. They do, but sometimes they just succumb to financial pressure or love for money.

11.Alcohol Or Drug Addiction
As you know already, alcohol and drugs heavily influence people's thinking patterns. When drunk, or high on drugs, people seek instant sexual pleasure with unknown people.

Check out: how to get high without alcohol
12.As a Form of Revenge
Sometimes, people who are in a bad relationship do the unthinkable just to hurt their partners. Yes, they intentionally cheat on their partners to emotional disturb them.

13.They Think It's Okay to Cheat
Not everyone around us see cheating as bad thing. Some men and women don't care if their partners have sex with someone else. Yes, such people exist. If you are unfortunate enough, you may have to see one of them in your life.

14.They Intentionally Cheat to Make You Go Away from Their Life
Some people see cheating as a good way to end an existing relationship, particularly when they can't complain about anything. They plan it because they hope their 'good partner' would leave them.

15.It's in Our Genes
From the beginning, humans are polygamous (having multiple sexual partners) by nature. Monogamy is the result of restrictions we put on ourselves in the name of culture and religion.

Of course, None of these reasons matter in the end because cheating is wrong above all of this. If you are uncomfortable with something in a relationship, just talk to your partner about it, Don't resort to cheating just because your partner doesn't understand your needs, or you feel you don't really have any feelings for them. JUST TALK to them!
Cheating can lead to some very unfortunate consequences. Here are 15 people who got owned publicly for cheating on their partners.