15 Lies Girls Tell To Boys
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 6:35 pm
By:James Fraser
Your entire life will be a lie if you ever believe girls don't lie! Girls do lie even to their partners, no matter how great the relationship is. It's not like only girls lie! Even men lie. From sweet little lies to lies that can break your heart, here are fifteen lies girls usually tell to boys.
1.I'm Fine
When a girl tells you 'I'm fine', it means she is not fine! This is a single popular and universal lie used by women all over the world to let you know that something has gone wrong. If you think she's fine, you are probably fuc***. You need to understand she is unhappy or upset about something.

2.Faking Period
This is one more lie girls tell to boys to skip or escape from something. If you ever wonder why your girl, or the girl you know, gets her period three times a month, this is the reason! This is so far the safest lie because no one's going to come and check what's up down there!

3.I Will Be Ready in Five Minutes
Friends, boyfriends, husbands and all men in this world understand this thing. A girl says she will be ready in five minutes, but it may take a day, week, month or even a year! It can be frustrating for men, but we have to understand that a girl getting ready isn't as simple as wearing an unwashed jeans!

4.I Got this on Sale
She will tell you that she has bought things that are on sale! You will realize its only a lie until you the see the credit card bill at the end of month. However, girls don't tell other girls around that they have bought discounted stuff!

5.He's Just a Friend
If ever there comes a situation where a women needs to answer a partner's or other people's question of 'who is that guy', she will most probably answer it like 'he is just a friend'. In fact, most of the times, this is a lie, and he is more than just a friend!

6.You are the Best Guy Ever
It's a lie! You are not the best guy most of the times! Even if you are told you are the best guy, you still may not be the best guy! No one can ever read or understand a woman completely! Every girl will have an inside world, and no one really knows who's the king of it!

7.I'm Not Like Other Girls
This sentence is a strong proof that all women are same! You will hear most ladies calling themselves unique and different! This is lie! Those who call themselves different still love being praised, given gifts or getting pampered. The real unique girls don't speak a word, their actions speak!

8.I'm Not Drunk
This is a girl's way of telling she is drunk. It starts with 'I'm not drunk' and ends with saying she only had a peg, that too because a long time friend came to see her. Girls don't right away say they are drunk, may be because they don't want others to take advantage.

9.My Weight is...
The rule book says not to ask a women what her weight is. Even if you ask her, you will be not answered rightly! Most women lie about their weights, especially those who think they carry little more flesh than needed!

10.I'm Not Hungry
This is another big lie! Women enjoy food like men, or even more than them! Food craving will be at its peak when a girl is on her period. If a girl ever tells you she is not hungry, she means she is hungry and wants you to get her a pizza or something in next few minutes!

11.Faking an Orgasm
Remember, female reproductive system is so complex. Men try hard not to get a quick orgasm, while women find it tough to get one on right time. At times, women fake an orgasm just to impress their partners! You may think you are a super hero, but most of the times you aren't!

12.I Like Your Family
Though your girl may tell you that she loves your family, she may secretly hate them. Girls tend to hate their boyfriend's parents for many reasons, or even no reason! If you hear your girl repeatedly saying she likes your family, you may need to check if everything is fine or not.

13.I Don't Like Gifts
This is a lie too. By saying she doesn't like gifts; she is actually reminding you that it's time for a gift. It's very hard to find a woman who doesn't love gifts! Well, who doesn't like gifts? We all love them; even men!

14.I Don't Know
Well, she knows everything! By telling 'I don't know' she really means 'I know everything". If you are a man, and if you ever face such situation, you better remain calm for next few minutes! If you keep questioning her, you may have to taste her 'madness'.

15.Do Whatever You Want
Beware! It's not permission. It's a warning. She may tell you to do whatever you like to do, but don't dare grabbing this wonderful sounding opportunity. She really means she will go mad at you if you do that thing. This is a lie, and if you think it's not a lie, you may have to face some serious consequences including but not limited to a fight or a breakup!
