15 Couples Reveal The Most Embarrassing Yet Endearing Things Their Partner Does

Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 1:03 pm
By:James Fraser

Love isn't all about kisses or hugs. It's not just about sex or cuddling. If you think a great relationship is all about those sweet kisses and cuddly moments, you are wrong! A real relationship is the one where you understand your partner, accept their weaknesses, and deal with their awkward things! When two people truly love each other, they become one, and there will be no scope for embarrassment whatsoever. In this very interesting article, we have fifteen couples who revealed the most embarrassing thing their partner does which they find endearing! 
13.Another Weird and Funny Act!

When I'm sitting on the couch, my boyfriend will come up behind me and wrap my hair around his penis. LOL.
- wanderingcadaver

Another Weird and Funny Act!-15 Couples Reveal The Most Embarrassing Yet Endearing Things Their Partner Does

14.A Bizarre and Hilarious Way of Comforting Each Other

My SO likes to put my head on his crotch and say, "Shh, everything is going to be OK." I always reply, "I'm glad your penis is there for me."
It's not for everyone but I find it cute and funny!
- Perfectlifeyae43

A Bizarre and Hilarious Way of Comforting Each Other-15 Couples Reveal The Most Embarrassing Yet Endearing Things Their Partner Does

15.This Sleep-talker and His Penis Obsession!

My boyfriend has a boner about 85% of the time when he is asleep... He also talks dirty in his sleep. Countless times I've been woken up to "You like this dick? *snore* mmm. Yeah, suck this big dick. *snore*" It's happens so often. Lol. It's actually pretty arousing.
- xokamotox

This Sleep-talker and His Penis Obsession!-15 Couples Reveal The Most Embarrassing Yet Endearing Things Their Partner Does

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