Best "this Guy Should Get An Award" Memes
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 3:56 pm
1.An award for bravery
This guy should get an award for bravery with his tattoos because how else could you explain some of the things that he has on there? On second thoughts, maybe it should be an award for stupidity.
2.Right back at you
The caption really should sum your feelings up on this so well because the boy should indeed be your hero. The girl in question was going for the sympathy vote, but all she got was a guy telling her the truth about things and he should be applauded for doing so.
3.An award for being lazy
Painting those white lines must get rather boring and mundane, so could you blame the guy for not wanting to get out and move something in the road in order to keep a straight line? Instead, he deserves an award for showing that he could not care less about his job, but keeps on doing it anyway.
4.An award for creativity
This guy simply deserves an award for creativity because how much effort did he put into all of this in the first place? You have to say that the detail is amazing, but then surely his talent is wasted because this guy should be a writer.
5.Good get out
It is pretty obvious as to why this guy deserves an award because boy was he in trouble early on. However, as soon as he discovered it was her father he managed to backtrack pretty spectacularly and change it to karaoke, so well done to you.
6.An award for trying
You know why this guy deserves an award? For making a serious attempt to dupe people and make them think that he is indeed on the beach with all of these women. The fact it is so clearly photoshopped does not matter because in his head he got away with it.
7.What a reply
You have to congratulate this guy for his reply to his ex because he quickly turned the tables on her when she least expected it. Instead, he let everybody see what she was really like and for that single reason he does indeed deserve an award.
8.A bullet?
Well this brother deserves an award for the way in which he is trying to protect his little sister and make sure that her new boyfriend is actually a good guy. At least he was managing to be slightly scary without being too over the top and putting the guy off because surely that would only then lead to issues with his sister?
9.Good attempt
The reason why this guy deserves a reward is thanks to his attempt to be completely different. It certainly takes some imagination to be able to come up with this kind of stuff, but it is just a shame we do not see the replies after it.
10.Getting your point across
You get the feeling that this guy is fed up with his over the top parents, so he has decided to try to break the ice in a completely unique way. Did he succeed? We will never know, but at least he has tried and you have to give him credit for that.
11.Revenge is sweet
Well this is certainly the best way to get your revenge, but at least it is done with a certain degree of style and class. This is much better than just going crazy and losing the plot.
12.You got your way
You have to admire this guy and the way in which he has managed to manipulate the situation. It is no surprise that people feel that he should indeed get an award for his actions and other guys should take note.