Worst Selfies Ever
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 10:23 am
1.So, so wrong
What does the little girl think is going on here because she sees her mom in her panties and pulling her t-shirt tight and taking a photograph of herself. No wonder she looks confused because so are the rest of us.
2.Pregnant selfie
In some cases a pregnant selfie could be a good thing, but not when you go ahead and pose like this. She really has managed to make herself look really lame now and all in the quest for getting a selfie.
3.The non-flush selfie
This has to be described as being the non-flush selfie and surely you would check that this could not happen before you went and uploaded the picture to the Internet? No wonder it is seen as a major fail.
4.Just wow selfie
Yes that's right go and take a selfie of you dressed like this with your son standing next to you with his head against the wall. It shows what this mother is most concerned about and it is certainly not her child.
5.A bad attempt
If you are going to take a selfie, then do yourself a favor and do not then go ahead and try to photoshop something that everybody knows is not actually there. This guy is kidding nobody.
6.Asshole Selfie
So, one wonders what happened next. Why on earth did this guy think that this would be a good photograph to take?
7.Embarrassing Selfie
Miley is at it again. She is posing with some fake teeth in her mouth and her dog looks suitably horrified and embarrassed. Something how she should look.
8.Confusing Selfie
At least selfies tell a story, no matter how boring or bizarre they are. This is what tends to make Kim Kardashian and Kanye's selfie so odd. What the heck are they doing?
9.Crazy Selfie
There is so much going on in this selfie. Perhaps it was meant to be a sweet pussy photo but all went sour. The cat looks as if it wants to kill and probably is giving off that low growl that cats do, since it is being grabbed between the legs.
10.Stupid Selfie
With all the self love going on with selfies this has to be one of he worse selfies ever. The huge pink clock and leg in the sink gets you thinking. In a way it sums up all the billions of selfies being taken everyday, just plain stupid.
11.Mad Selfie
Kayleigh Hill had an ingenious plan. Take a selfie mid-pitch while in the middle of the game. It certainly got her noticed and nearly won her selfie of the year. This was just before she was wrestled to the ground by security.
12.Shocking Selfie
How on earth did he do that and why? This selfie is part of a new trend in selfies called 'Olympic selfies'. They are certainly far more entertaining and shocking than the regular and mundane selfies. His dog looks fed up with the effort.