Worst Diseases
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 11:24 am
1.Small Pox
Smallpox is characters by the skin becoming covered in tons of tiny blisters, covering the patient from head to toe. Some patients were blinded and males were left infertile. Killing more than 60 million Europeans in the 18th century, 80% were children under five years old. Small pox is the only disease to humans that we have been able to successfully eradicate.
Cholera affects the small intestine and is transmitted through drinking water and food contaminated by fecal matter from an infected person. Some infected patients have no symptoms, so it can be hard to no who has it. Symptoms include vomiting clear fluid and extreme diarrhea, coming on suddenly with the victim's skin turning a bluish gray due to loss of fluids. Some people can remain asymptomatic.
3.Yellow Fever
Yellow Fever is transmitted through a bite from a female mosquito. Mostly found in the tropics and subtropics, Yellow Fever can be carried by mosquitos to humans in the United States. Symptoms include nausea, fever, chills and muscle pain. In some cases, it can become toxic, damaging the liver and leading to death.
Tuberculosis is a lethal disease that attacks the lungs, as well as other parts of the body. symptoms include coughing or sneezing, and the disease spreads through the air as particles are expelled from the body. Other symptoms are fever, chills, loss of appetite, night sweats, and weight loss. Preventable with a vaccine and managed with antibiotics.
Malaria typically affects the poverty stricken, with 515 million cases reported in Sub-Sahran Africa. The infectuous disease is caused by protozoan parasites in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headache, chills and a cough. There is no vaccine currently available to treat the disease, but preventative drugs can ward off the infection if taken continuously.
Hepatitis is categorized as an inflammation of the liver. Left untreated it can lead to fibrosis of the liver or cirrhosis. Often there are no symptoms, with the exception of fatigue and yellowing of the skin. Acute hepatitis causes flu like symptoms and can last up to 6 weeks, whereas chronic hepatitis can cause major damage to the liver, and possible death.
Polio is typical spread through fecal matter and affects the nervous system. In 1916, the United States experienced its first polio epidemic, with more epidemics occurring in the 1940's and 1950's. Towns were often quarantined and mass panic took over, as the disease destroyed motor neurons, causing patients to be bedridden and unable to walk.
IN 2009 the United States was in a frenzy of an epidemic they called the swine few. Passed from person to person, rather than pig to person, it caued 17,000 deaths by 2010. Panic set in, causing an increase in flu shots, and because the symptoms of this flu mimic other flus, emergency rooms saw a vast increase in visits.
9.Whooping Cough
Whooping Cough is highly contagious, causing illness and sometimes death to children. It is a common disease in the United States, characterized by violent coughing. In 1945 the United States experienced the biggest epidemic of whooping cough in its history, and still today children suffer from the disease. In 2010 9.477 Californians succumbed.
10.Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world, caues by many factors that include lifestyle, diet and heritary. diets high in fats and cholesterol can cause narrowing of the arties, tobacco smoking, excessive alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle and age, play a big part in the development of this disease.
AIDS caused a frenzy in 1981, when the first cases hit the news waves. An autoimmune disease that affects the lungs is still the 6th leading cause of death in people aged 25 to 44 in the United States. Passed through bodily fluids into the blood stream, typically through sexual contact, and also through blood transfusions, the disease was first thought to only have affected gay men and was thought of as a "gay disease."
Nobody really knows the exact cause of cancer or how to completely prevent it, but there are ways to reduce your risk through a healthy lifestyle. Unregulated cell growth causing malignant tumors in the body, are one of the top causes of death in the world. Typically caused by an inflammation, such as smoking inflaming the lungs, some cancers are preventable and treatable, with a great success rate.