Things That Doctors Don't Tell You
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 5:26 pm
1.Doctors Don't Know Everything
Doctors may seem like modern-day miracle workers, but truth be told, they do not know everything. Doctors are not born knowing everything there is to know about medicine; they are taught. And with the new developments in medicine that occur every year, it would be hard for them to know everything. Patients are often given the run-around by doctors. A doctor will examine you and then send you off to a specialist for further analysis. Of course they'll tell it's to ensure their diagnosis is correct, but it's more than likely because they have no idea what's going on with you.
2.During Labor Your Baby's Heart Rate Will Drop
Babies come out of the womb ready to take on the world and scream their lungs out. What most doctors don't tell expectant mothers is that their baby's heart-rate most likely will drop and go back up as the tiny tot moves down. Doctors more than likely don't tell patients this bit of information because they might panic. Although this happens to the baby rather quickly, doctors and nurses are on-hand to analyze how long and often this happen, just in case they need to take some immediate course of action.
3.Anesthesia Doesn't Always Work
Undergoing surgery of any kind can be painful. Patients are normally given anesthesia to numb the pain so they don't feel anything during the procedure. Sadly, there have been several instances where a doctor will tell the patient they won't feel a thing, but the complete opposite happens. This can happen for several reasons, one of which is the medicine may not spread and take effect as quickly as it should. Some patients wind up going through an obscene amount of pain due to the anesthesia failing.
4.Exercise is Better than Taking Drugs After a Stroke
A stroke can take a huge toll on the body. Most stroke patients are given prescription drugs and told to follow a specific diet. What some doctors don't stress it that exercise can be better than a prescription drug after having a stroke. Experts say that physical activity will do more to help a person live longer, and is as good as any drug when it comes to heart disease.
5.Most Back Surgeries Are Not Necessary
Statistics show that nearly 750,000 people suffer from spinal-compression fractures annually. This injury causes severe back pain, which leads doctors to perform around 600,000 surgeries to treat these ruptures. Though back surgery may seem necessary, a recent study has shown that they do not work. Researchers out of Australia took two groups of people and gave one half Vertebroplasty, a common back surgery, and the other a bogus procedure, which gives the illusion that they underwent back surgery. The experts found no legitimate difference between the two groups.
6.CPR Doesn't Work
Individuals in the medical field stress how important it is to learn CPR. But according to some experts, CPR is faulty. "According to large reviews and major studies, the overall failure rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, ranges from 93% to 99%," says Dr. David Newman. The reason for this is that most people receiving CPR are dead, and death is irreversible.
7.Antibiotics Don't Cure Everything
The sick always think getting antibiotics for what ails them will clear everything up in a jiffy. But contrary to that thought-process, antibiotics are not for every sickness. Antibiotics only cure bacterial infections. Whereas earaches, most sore throats and sinus issues are caused by viruses. However, doctors still prescribe antibiotics to patients with these viruses because they ask for them. In all actuality, virus infections only last for about seven to ten days.
8.No Evidence of Malpractice
No one wants their dirty laundry put on display, but there should be an exception made for doctors. There are several doctors who have pending lawsuits, malpractice claims or have received infractions for something they did. This information isn't made available to patients. Patients should have the option to know this information first-hand so they can decide whether or not they want to visit a certain doctor.
9.Generic Medicine Will Save You Money
Generic food wouldn't be available on the market if there wasn't a demand for it; and the same goes for pills. A doctor will never outright prescribe a generic pill for a patient; they will always prescribe the more expensive medication first. Ask and you shall receive is the best way to get a doctor to give you a generic prescription. About 40 percent of the drugs on the market have a generic version.
10.Pointless Tests
Occasionally it appears as though doctors treat their patients like guinea pigs. A patient can go in for a routine check-up and end up getting an EKG, CT scan, blood test, and bone scan just to name a few. Truth be told, sometimes the tests doctors give you are completely unnecessary. Many doctors conduct these exams as a precaution (or to cover themselves) so they won't be sued for exercising every option available. So while doctors are trying to save themselves from losing money in a lawsuit, patients are spending money on exams they don't need.
11.Hidden Side-Effects of Certain Drugs
When a patient enters a doctor's office with an ailment, their main concern is to get better. Many don't realize that a 'cure' can come with a price. Doctors will tell you how to take a certain medicine and what not to take with it, but they fail to tell you the side-effects. Some prescriptions have so many side-effects listed; you'd think you were reading a Bible passage. Sometimes the side-effects appear to be worse than the actual ailment.
12.Doctor Visits Cost Money
Co-payments and prescription prices are often never talked about during doctor visits. Instead, patients are slammed with a ridiculously expensive bill in their mailbox a few weeks later. So many people have gone into a pharmacy with their prescription and have been shocked by the price of the medicine they so desperately need. Most doctors say the reason they don't discuss prices is because of the time crunch to get all the patients treated in a timely fashion.