15 Silly Things You Probably Didn't Know Until Now

Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 12:53 pm
By:James Fraser

We don't know many things! It isn't a big deal because no one knows everything completely. However, for some reasons, we miss those simple things we should have known long time back. Be it facts, tips or tricks, there is an ocean of things we need to know just to make our lives simpler or perfect. Here is an assorted list of fifteen random things you probably didn't know before. 
7.Using Straw and Soda Can the Right Way

Have you ever wondered why there is a hole in the soda can tab? The sole purpose of the hole is to hold the straw properly. 

Using Straw and Soda Can the Right Way-15 Silly Things You Probably Didn't Know Until Now

8.Skittles Replaced Lime Candies with Green Apple

The green candies in Skittles are not lime flavored anymore. Skittles replaced lime candies with green apple ones in 2013. 

Skittles Replaced Lime Candies with Green Apple-15 Silly Things You Probably Didn't Know Until Now

9.Want to Know How Much Juice is Left in the Battery?

You don't need to lick or try other ways. The simplest way to find the remaining charge in a battery is to drop it vertically from a small height. A fully charged battery will not bounce back.

Want to Know How Much Juice is Left in the Battery?-15 Silly Things You Probably Didn't Know Until Now
