15 Scary Halloween Dishes That Will Scare The Life Out Of Your Guests
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 11:37 am
Halloween is all about scaring people. The more you scare them the famous you are! Costumes are one good way to do it, but you shouldn't forget about treats! Special Halloween treats or dishes make you even more popular. You might have already seen them here and there. Have you ever prepared a spooky Halloween treat? If not, you should give it a try! Here are fifteen Halloween-inspired dish ideas that should help you make one this Halloween!
#4 Jell-o Worms
Worms were meant to squirm on the ground; not in a bowl. These creepy critters might look like the real thing, but they're made of jell-o. These worms are achieved by mixing regular jell-o with whipped cream and then placing the mixture in straws so they keep their shape. To give these disgusting worms some texture, it is recommended that straws with an extender be used.