Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 3:27 pm
By:Tony Williams

1.Hone Your Skills

A one night stand gives you time to hone your skills, perfect certain moves, and try them out on someone who doesn't matter. Have you ever broken up with someone and then taken them back six months later to find out they are much better in bed. One night stands, probably.

Hone Your Skills-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

2.Casual sex With No Strings

Casual sex is great and if you have a friend with benefits, that can be fun. However, it is always the case where one of you begins to feel more than the other and feel rejected when the other wants to stay casual. A one night stand would never cause those feelings to arise. It's about as casual as you can get.

Casual sex With No Strings-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

3.Sometimes You LIke Their Body More Than Their Mind

There are times when you have an animalistic attraction to someone who is just so wrong for you. You don't know what it is, but you just want to rip their clothes off, but the thought of having dinner with them and trying to have a conversation with them is just unappealing. That's where a one night stand is great.

Sometimes You LIke Their Body More Than Their Mind-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

4.It's An Experience For Your Bucket List

Everyone has a bucket list, and while a one night stand may not be on yours, it's not a bad thing to have on it. The purpose of life is to experience everything life has to offer. If you can protect yourself and have a one night stand with someone in a safe way, hey why not.

It's An Experience For Your Bucket List-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

5.You Don't Have To Worry If You Pleased Them

There is no worry about pleasing the other person in a one night stand. It might sound selfish, but this is the one time you don't have to worry if you brought them to climax. This is all about you, with no strings attached. Of course, you want to do your best to give them a good experience, but if it's taking too long, cut your losses and go.

You Don't Have To Worry If You Pleased Them-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

6.You Don't Have To Be Tender And Loving

After a bad breakup, the last thing you want to do is get involved with another person. However, you still have that yearning to be with someone. You've gotten used to having another person to release your tension with. A one night stand is perfect. There are no strings, no rebound. Photo Curtesy Of

You Don't Have To Be Tender And Loving-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

7.It's Great When You're Newly Broken Up

After a bad breakup, the last thing you want to do is get involved with another person. However, you still have that yearning to be with someone. You've gotten used to having another person to release your tension with. A one night stand is perfect. There are no strings, no rebound.

It's Great When You're Newly Broken Up-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

8.You Don't Have To Clean Up After Them

With a one night stand, you don't have any responsibilities to care for that other person. If they are not your boyfriend they will go back to their own place and make a mess, something you will never see, and better yet, something you will never have to clean up. Photo Curtesy Of

You Don't Have To Clean Up After Them-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

9.You Don't Have To Make Them Breakfast

After a one night stand you have no obligation to make them breakfast, or even talk to them. If they are still there in the morning, chances are they are wanting to make a quick getaway. And if you're still at their place, you are probably scrambling for your clothes to leave quickly. Photo Courts Of

You Don't Have To Make Them Breakfast-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

10.You Don't Have To Look Good The Morning After

Who cares what you look like when you wake up. Your lover has probably long gone, or you left their place in the wee hours, sneaking out of bed. So now you can wake up and be yourself. There is no one to impress with brushing your teeth, putting on make up and brushing your hair.

You Don't Have To Look Good The Morning After-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

11.It's Better Than masturbating

A good one night stand is better than masturbating. If you're single, most likely that is your only release, but sometimes it just feels good to have another body pressed up against yours, to feel the heat of another person, and to feel like you turn someone else on. In reality, they are just like a giant sex toy. Photo Curtesy Of

It's Better Than masturbating-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good

12.It's Wild And Uninhibited

When you know someone and you know you will be seeing them again, it can be hard to let loose and let it all go. With a one night stand you can go crazy, do things you might otherwise be afraid to do, and have the time of your life. Photo Curtesy Of

It's Wild And Uninhibited-Reasons Why One Night Stands Are Good



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