Pics Of Mascots Having Fun
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 7:11 am
1.Yeee haaa
We all love NFL cheerleaders and it is no surprise that the mascots also think along the same lines. However, the difference is that they get to interact with them and no wonder he looks so happy about it all.
2.A bird in the worth two cheerleaders
This bird probably has the biggest smile ever recorded by a mascot and that is saying something when you consider the faces on so many of them. However, the smile was made bigger when he discovered the photograph he was having to be in.
3.A big thumbs up
Yep that is a big thumbs up from the mascot and it is probably because he knows that a lot of guys will be looking at this image and feeling jealous. As you can see all of the women in this image are also having fun, so it is a happy scene all round.
4.A big smile
The biggest smile in this photograph does indeed belong to the mascot and it is easy to see why. You can bet that people have been queuing up in order to have a shot of being the mascot just to appear in photographs like this.
5.Playing with props
This is like an advanced mascot as he is now using props in order to have fun, but we can only guess what then followed after this image was taken. However, he looks quite a cool mascot and he is certainly going to be having the time of his life.
6.Getting dressed up
Yes you may be a giant animal, but that does not mean that you are unable to be tamed by cheerleaders who simply need to throw their pompoms over you to completely change your appearance. Hey it still keeps a smile on his face though.
7.Always a hit with the Ladies
Has there ever been a photograph taken of women looking upset with mascots? Nope probably not and it is all because they are fun to be around.
8.Even ducks can smile
Well there is certainly no duck pout going on here that's for sure and we would be very disappointed with the mascot if he had looked unhappy at being in this photograph. It is just one of those moments where he probably thanks his lucky stars.
9.Recreating that Beatles shot
Mascots can get up to all kinds of things for example recreating the famous Beatles shot on Abbey Road. OK the fact that he does it with some more hot cheerleaders is really just a bonus.
10.You pose with cheerleaders..a lot
Now how much fun are these two mascots having here because it must be great getting to pose with a squad of cheerleaders and be paid for doing so. Let's be honest we would probably be willing to swap places.
11.They mix with celebs
This is another perk of being a mascot because you can get all close and personal with celebrities and you get away with it. Any other situation and this would be called sexual assault.
12.NO Wonder He Is Smiling
Well it is hardly a surprise as to why this mascot appears to be smiling because he is standing there with a hot cowgirl. This really is a perk of being a mascot because where else are you going to see a giant bull in this situation?