People Who Faked Cancer For Cash
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 1:25 pm
1.Kristin Holzman - Donations
Thirty nine year old Kristin Holzman made over $16,000 by faking brain cancer. Friends began a FaceBook page to raise money for Kristin and help with medical expenses, and a local charity donated a new roof for her home. Facing several yeasr in prison for fraud, we have to wonder what she was thinking.
2.Ashley Kirilow - Charity
Twenty three year old Ashley Kirilow turned a benign lump removal from her breast into a cash cow. Devising a way to make money, she faked the results of her lumpectomy, telling friends and family that it was cancerous. As if that wasn't bad enough, she shaved her head and face completely bald and started her own charity called, "Change For The Cure," where she collected over $20,000. It was her father that discovered that she was lying, and threatened to turn her in, if she didn't do it herself. She refused, and he did as he said he would.
3.Martha Nicholas - Mental Illness
Forty Three year old Martha Nicholas claimed to have stage 4 ovarian cancer. The problem was that she actually believed it, even though it was not true. Eventually it was found out that she was collecting money, in the amount of about $10,000, for her fictitious cancer treatments, and ended up with just a $100 fine and five years probation, due to the fact that she suffers from mental illness.
4.Angie Gomez - Fake Charity
Sometimes they start young. Nineteen year old Angie Gomez lied about having leukemia and set up a charity for her false cancer treatments. The Achieve The Dream Foundation raised over $17,000, but the police were tipped off by someone who noticed that Gomez didn't appear ill. When the teen was found out, her attorney claimed she was going to donate the money to cancer research.
5.Leron Magliner - Bucket List
Leron Magilner scammed friends and co-workers, claiming he was terminally ill with pancreatic cancer. A charity event was organized by a co-worker, raising about $11,000, with businesses in the are donating raffle items. Magilner even removed his hair and made himself appear ill, to be more effective, creating a bucket list, asking people to buy him trips and things before he died.
6.Jamie Lynn Toler - Breast Implants
It's astonishing how far someone would go to get a boob job. Jamie Lynn Toler told her family and former employer that she had breast cancer and needed a double mastectomy. Devastated by the news, she pleaded for breast reconstruction that she could not afford, along with the life saving surgery of the breast removal. Her loved ones organized fundraisers and brought in $8,000, but a police investigation revealed that no cancer existed.
7.Alicia Kelly - Daughter's Cancer
Forty year old Alicia Kelly told everyone that her fifteen year old daughter was dying of cancer. Scamming her family and friends out of thousands of dollars, but that's not the worse part. Upon discovering her lie, the police found that she was cashing her grandfather's social security checks while keeping his mummified body hidden in her house.
8.Sam Weillington - Wife's Cancer
Sam Wellington's co-workers donated cash and gifts to him in support of his wife's terminal cancer diagnosis. Pulling in over $7,000, Sam also received time off to spend with family. Eventually he had to tell his co-workers that his wife died, and when no obituary of funer@l announcement was found, they became suspicious. It was only when his wife found a sympathy card with $500 inside, that things blew up, ending with Sam being charged with theft by deception.
9.Sonja & Gerald Luker - Foreclosure & Harley Davidson
Sonja and Gerald Luker raised $19,000 from donations given by family and friends, as well as church members and co-workers over a six year period from 2004 to 2010. Claiming that Sonja was ill with cancer, the couple were able to save their home from foreclosure and buy a Harley with the money. It took a while, but they were found out, and it was the biggest surprise to Gerald who really believed in his wife's diagnosis.
10.Brian Jeffrey Bonniwell - Avoids Parole Officer
In 2011, Brian Jeffrey Bonniwell grew tired of reporting to his parole officer every month, after being arrested for burglary. At one of his meetings he informed the parole officer, via a letter, that he had contracted breast cancer and was receiving treatments. This meant he couldn't make it to anymore meetings. A subpoena into his records proved he was lying.
11.Jessica Vega - Dream Wedding
Twenty five year old Jessica Vega claimed had leukemia and was dying, scamming local businesses to donate money for her dream wedding, her last dying wish. Her wish was granted and she received donations for a free dress, food and honeymoon to Aruba. She was later arrested when the doctor's note that she used to prove her illness was fake.
12.Brittany Ozarowski - Heroin Habit
In September 2011, Brittany Ozarowski claimed she was diagnosed with state two ovarian cancer along. It got worse from there, as she was also diagnosed with stomach cancer. However, three short months later, she was cured ... or so she thought. The cancer later returned to her bones and brain, prompting her to set up a web page for donations as well as donation jars in twenty five businesses in her local area. The scam comes from the fact that she used the money for her heroine habit instead of her treatment.