Most Scariest Ghost Sightings Around The World

Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 1:43 pm
By:Tony Williams

#9 The La Laurie Home In New Orleans

In the 1800's the home was owned by Madam La Laurie, who at the time was a socialite. Well liked and respected, no one knew that Madam La Laurie was in fact a sinister woman who enjoyed torturing and killing her slaves. Once found out she ran away from New Orleans. The home bought many times over never kept an owner for very long as there were too many strange occurrences happening there. Today the home has been converted into an upmarket apartment block. Recently more bodies were found telling the tale of Madam Lu Laurie's evil goings-on.

The La Laurie Home In New Orleans-Most Scariest Ghost Sightings Around The World
