Most Ridiculous Public Masturbators
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 7:49 pm
1.Poor Old Pee-Wee
With a name like Pee-Wee Herman what else could one expect? Paul Reuben's was apparently caught playing with his pee-wee in an adult theatre. This was big news and poor old Pee-Wee took years and years to live it down. He was at the time a well known child's icon in various serials on the TV. Aren't you suppose to jerk off in an adult theatre? Just saying!
2.Mile High Club With a Twist
It just seems if some people cannot get someone else to bonk on a plane the other alternative is to play with oneself. A man on a flight from Delaware to Denver clearly got turned on and started to play with his jollies. He must have started to feel a bit lonely and so tried to carry out a conversation with the air stewardess while continuing to masturbate.
3.Dirty Old Guy At Big Mac
A 79 year old man was arrested in the McDonald's parking lot watching porn on a lap-top and having a jerk-off. Spencer Toner was spotted by another McDonald's customer and when he did not stop the police were called. Toner argued that he lived in his car so he had every right to do that. Could he have not lived somewhere else? Rather than the McDonald's parking lot? Surely he knew it would be super busy?
4.Women Really Can Multi-Task
At last! A female masturb@tor. Colondra Hamilton from Ohio (again) was caught with a dildo and porn on a laptop in her car whilst driving! This woman can sure multi-task. She tried to be clever though, since the car had tinted windows. It appears she was having a good old go and watching her lap top while driving along. With other drivers like that on the road, it is enough to make you wear your seatbelt twice!
5.Some Are Easily Pleased
Pastor Millard Clifton Tolbert aged 58 was caught masturbating in the men's and boy's underwear department. He clearly found the boys aisle very exciting. Perhaps he lived such a clean lifestyle it all got to much for him. The sight of Y-Fronts?
A man just arrested for attempted rape was hauled down to the holding cell at the local jail. Here he proceeded to masturbate even while police were questioning him. The man said he was just so turned on by the attempted rape. Hmm! Wonder if they tossed him in jail and threw away the key?
7.Armless Fetish
Eddie Campbell from Virginia was found in the park, sans his pants and having a good time to an armless mannequin. It must have just been all too much for him, seeing her there, armless and all. She might have given him a hand, if she had one!
8.Lewd Cyclist
A man on a bicycle was arrested for lewd acts after the public had complained about the seeming 'juggling' cyclist. He could juggle balls and keep his eyes on the road it appears. The man clearly found this way of getting his jollies off his favorite according to the number of people who reported him and the amount of times he did it. An undercover female police detective lured him in and then arrested him.
9.Horny Old Granddad
Kevin Bishop, a father and grandfather felt horny on a train so just went ahead and started to jerk off, the only problem was it was in full view of everyone on the train. The mind boggles! Particularly when you hear that he has done this over 60 times!! Puts a whole new meaning on train sex.
10.Library Man
Mike Cooper, a 23 year old from Ohio was busted playing with himself in a public library. He was looking at porn on a computer. Is this what the world has come to? People are so wrapped up in Internet porn they just forget where they are?
11.The Break-Down
This guy who looks like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth and the Director and Founder the of Invisible Children Company, looks like the type of guy you'd be proud to introduce to mom and dad right? Well, maybe not. He was found running around in public nude only to pause for a quick jerk-off now and then. Unfortunately he was having a nervous breakdown and appeared to have taken something. So perhaps he was not such a horny pervert after all.
12.Teacher Jerking Off In Car
What could be worse than being caught in public playing with your winker? Probably when you are just about to get a little bit vigorous with it you get caught mid-stroke. That is the worse thing right? How about if you were a teacher? That is even worse! Guess what! It gets worse! John Socrates, was not only a teacher having a quick jerk-a-long in public, in his car but also had grass with him and was on his way to school. Ew! Oh well, at least he was not fiddling with the kids, so he is not that bad after all?