Most Pleasant Music In The World
Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 9:28 am
1.Massive Attack - Teardrop
This song was their biggest hit ever and people that remember the 90's will always love it when this comes on the radio. It is so laid back they must have been almost horizontal when making it and you end up just feeling as if you are mentally in a better place after listening to it.
2.The Beloved - Sweet Harmony
This song is seen as being extremely pleasant due to the beat that is used as well as the fact that the lead singer does have one of the most relaxing voices that you will ever hear. There is nothing rushed about it and there is just enough variation in the music to keep a hold of our attention, but it always leaves us feeling relaxed.
3.Cafe del Mar - We can fly
This is the kind of song where you can end up feeling quite relaxed from the very beginning due to the beat that has been used. You will probably be guilty of thinking that something such as Cafe del Mar could be full of energy, but this song is certainly not like that. Instead, it brings in various sounds at the right tempo helping to keep us feeling chilled.
4.Mozart - Canzonetta Sull'aria
The biggest surprise has to be that this is the only piece of classical music listed here. People often associate classical music with being pleasant to listen to, but the problem is that so many people are put off by it without ever listening to it. If you wish to break your classical music cherry, then try this one by Mozart.
5.Adele - Someone like you
This may sound like a strange choice, but it is more about her voice and how it combines with the actual tune that makes this one of the most pleasant songs in the world. She switches from singing quite softly to quite a booming voice, but the background stays calm with this registering in our minds and making it quite relaxing to listen to it.
6.All Saints - Pure Shores
With this song it is all about the beat in the background that just helps us to relax and chill out. Even though it does change it is, in a strange way, quite constant as it does not blast our ears and instead it gets into our mind thanks to being quite catchy and this helps to relax us.
7.Barcelona - Please don't go
This song may, for some people, sound boring, but due to its tone, rhythm, and the frequency it uses this is still one of the most pleasant songs in the world. Yes you may think that it has nothing special about it, but deep inside your brain it is having a positive impact and that is the simple reason as to why it is included.
8.Coldplay - Strawberry Swing
This is not exactly their most well known song, but it is their most relaxing and pleasant. Of course that is just because it hits all of the right criteria for music because some of their tunes will change the tempo far too much whereas this is more refined.
9.Enya - Watermark
Enya is a fantastic singer and this song deserves its place in a list of the most pleasant music in the world. Of course as soon as you see that it is Enya you know that it is not going to be loud and in your face music, so you are already relaxing about it in advance, so the fact that it hits all of the right notes, at least with what the brain needs, does lead to it being very pleasant indeed.
10.DJ Shah - Mellomaniac
You wonder how any song by a DJ can be seen as pleasant, but this song goes against the norm, but only if you go for the chill out mix. By doing this, you change the tone as it seems less frantic and more chilled and that is something that your brain loves.
11.Airstream - Electra
This is another song that you may not be familiar with, but like Weightless it does also contain a number of the rhythms and frequencies that then have an impact on the brain. Yes the song may not be your cup of tea, but it does something deep inside and that is why it is actually quite pleasant.
12.Marconi Union - Weightless
OK so you may never have heard about it, but when it comes to relaxing you this has been scientifically proven to be one of the most pleasant pieces of music in the world. In studies it really did help people to unwind due to the frequencies it uses and how they then relax the brain.