Most Ridiculous Lawsuits

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 1:22 pm
By:Tony Williams

#5 Jeffrey Kline And Brett Birdwell Injured While Trespassing Amtrak

Two teens, Jeffrey Kline and Brett Birdwell were skateboarding and illegally entered Amtrak property. Climbing on top of one of the trains, Klein was hit by 12,500 volts of electricity, burning over seventy five percent of his body. Birdwell burned over twelve percent of his body when he attempted to rescue his friend. Both boys sued Amtrak and won, even though they were trespassing on private property, winning $24.2 million dollars between them.

Jeffrey Kline And Brett Birdwell Injured While Trespassing Amtrak-Most Ridiculous Lawsuits
