Genetically Modified Animals You Can Buy
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 8:41 am
In 2001, the first genetically modified babies were born. Fifteen had DNA from three different parents. One of the babies developed a pervasive developmental disorder that includes autism. The method used to create the babies is called cytoplasmic transfer, which was banned by the FDA, but was created to help women with eggs that were hard to fertilize.
Salmon has been genetically modified to reach adult size in half the time, which saves a year in a half on it's three year growth cycle. The fish are identical to their normal counterparts, all the way down to the molecular level, but the FDA has been reviewing it for seventeen years now, and still has not allowed this salmon to enter the food chain.
3.Remote Controlled Cockroaches
Scientists have found a way to control the actions of cockroaches. By sticking wires into its antenna, you can take over its motor functions. Cockroaches use their antenna to navigate and so by tapping into the antenna you can control it, making it turn right or left, straight or turn around.
4.Popeye Pigs
Pigs injected with a spinach gene changes their saturated fat content into unsaturated fat, also called linoleic acid. In Japan, they are now calling the pigs most a meat and a vegetable. So would that make bacon healthy for you? Probably not, but Popeye must have been onto something when he ate all that spinach.
5.Sudden death Mosquitos
Sudden death mosquitos are born and die before they reach sexual maturity. These mosquitos will quickly become extinct, which poses issues for animals that feed on them. But it also eradicates diseases that mosquitos carry and pass on to humans. These genetically altered mosquitos pass on the gene to their offspring and so on and so on.
6.Gold Glittery Seahorses
How would you like a glittery gold seahorse? Vietnamese scientists have genetically added gold dust to jellyfish proteins and then inserted the substance into seahorse eggs. These seahorse offspring are the first genetically modified animal to come from Vietnam. Using a system called gene shooting, this method can be used to help treat incurable diseases.
7.Hypoallergenic Dogs
Lifestyle Pets claims to breed hypoallergenic pets. Using genetically altered pets, created by isolating the protein that causes allergens and then destroying it. These pets are then bred to produce offspring that carry the same altered protein, and are therefore hypoallergenic. So next time you wish you had a dog, but were afraid to sneeze every time you were near it, you might want to purchase on of their animals for $6950.
8.Featherless Chicken
Featherless chickens are made by mating a regular broiler chicken with a naked Neck chicken. This reduces the cost of raising them, they are more environmentally friendly and farmers save time on plucking. But those feathers do serve a purpose. The protect the chicken from parasites as well as weather conditions and roosters that can puncture their skin when mating.
9.Male Tilapia
Male tilapia have been genetically modified to make them larger with less food. The time it takes them to reach maturity is also altered to take less time, giving farmers more fish that are big and ready to sell quicker. So why only males? Because female tilapia go through a period of time where they won't eat because they carry their eggs in their mouth.
10.Pharmaceutical Camels
Scientists are working with camels to produce curative proteins in their milk. These curative proteins are believed to be the best way to cure genetic diseases. Camels are used because they are cheap and are disease resistant. They are also quite adaptable and easily maintained. They can live in any climate, making it easy to transport them.
Supercows are super muscular resulting from a defective myostatin gene. This gene typically controls muscle and inhibits growth, but the defect causes the cow to double his musculature. Such cows have been dubbed Belgian Blues, who have more lean meat and less fat. Give them some porcelain veneers and they're ready for Hollywood.
12.Glow In The Dark Cats
Scientists are able to inject animals to make them glow in the dark, but it really isn't just for the novelty. Cats that are injected with the glow in the dark gene tend to be resistant to feline HIV, a disease that affects more than 500 millions cats in the world. Fish can also be injected in order to track their migration.