Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

Saturday, Aug 22, 2020, 11:39 am
By:Tony Williams

1.Sticking head of another in the toilet

This could be classified as just fighting between kids, but of course there can be all kinds of things going on when the parents are not around. One kid will often take great delight in basically humiliating the other in some way including the age old trick of sticking their head in the toilet, but after they have used it.

Sticking head of another in the toilet-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

2.Going through parents things

There is such a thing called privacy, but when the parents are not around it is guaranteed that some kids will take that opportunity to go through the most intimate things of their parents. While it is not disgusting in an eew sense it is still disgusting in the lack of respect.

Going through parents things-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents


There are all kinds of pranks that can be disgusting that kids can do to others when the parents are not there and you can probably dream up some of your own in next to no time. Smearing things over objects, getting others to make a mess of things, and basically being annoying and disgusting is certainly something that most kids are very good at.

Pranks-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

4.Peeing in shower

Yep this is an old one, but certainly not a good one and how unhygienic is it for them to pee in the shower. Of course there are always some kids that will go one step further, but it is harder to hide the evidence if you poop there, so most stick to pee and you then get in after them and stand on it.

Peeing in shower-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

5.Old towels

If the parents are away on holiday you can bet that they will use the same towel to dry themselves every single day and never think about changing it. That of course depends on them showering every single day and even here that is up for debate, but imagine all of the germs and dirt they are wiping all over their body.

Old towels-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

6.Fluff eater

Yep there are some kids out there who will happily pick out the fluff that appears between their toes and start eating it. You have to admit that it is going to make your stomach feel a bit strange knowing that they do this, so just keep an eye on them as they change their socks.

Fluff eater-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

7.Playing in the toilet

Yep when you are trying to allow them to go to the toilet on their own you just know that they are going to get up to things that you would rather not know about. Some kids will have a fascination with what is now in the toilet and indeed they will start to play around with it and is there anything more disgusting than that?

Playing in the toilet-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

8.Wipe, but not with toilet paper

Yes you may get a surprise with what they could end up using as toilet paper if they are suddenly caught short. Most people would check that there would be enough before they go in to start the process, but not kids because instead they will use towels to make up for it.

Wipe, but not with toilet paper-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

9.Don't change their underwear

As they get older and you maybe leave them for a few days while you take a break you just know that they are not going to change their underwear until they get to the point of being able to actually walk to the washing machine on their own. They think that having a shower is enough, but clearly it is not.

Don't change their underwear-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

10.Eat dropped food you have not noticed

This is certainly disgusting and you just know that most kids will have tried this at some point. A favorite is to go down the side of chair or even the booster seat in the car because you never know what you are going to find tucked away in there.

Eat dropped food you have not noticed-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

11.Pee in the swimming pool

Yep if you leave them alone to swim yourself, then you can be sure that they are going to end up peeing in the swimming pool and at times it may even be a whole lot worse. This is something that can actually be avoided if you pay attention to them, but turn away for just a moment and the pee will strike.

Pee in the swimming pool-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents

12.Put boogers in strange places

Yep when you are not looking they are going to get those boogers out of their nose and start to put them in the strangest of places. Of course some will eat them, but even those that do not partake in that particular activity will love putting them on dishes, in your chair, and various other places where they just should not be.

Put boogers in strange places-Disgusting Things Done By Kids In Absence Of Parents



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