Creative Parents Re-Enact Famous Movie Scenes Starring Their Baby Son
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 8:50 am
1.The Dark Knighty-Night
All babies have to say nighty-night eventually. This also applies to babies dressed up as superheroes in front of a green screen. This Dark Knighty-Night photo has the little tot dressed as the Dark Knight, as he's perched on a "cliff" overlooking Gotham City. You can't see the child's face, but the photo's concept is extremely creative.
2.Houston, We Have A Poopy
This Apollo 13 inspired photo makes fun of baby poop. No one wants to clean baby poop, especially when they're floating around in space. If their son really did poop while they were in that homemade ship, their faces would not look that happy. The odd thing is that even though only the top half of the baby's face is visible, he's still the only entity that your face gravitates to every time.
3.Wah Wars
This baby has the power of The Force. Wah Wars is a reenactment of the widely-popular film, Star Wars. The parents and the baby are all dressed in the same costumes as the characters in the film. That is one strong baby, for him to be able to keep his hand angled in mid-air for that long.
This is the best baby version of Castaway. Everything in the scene matches the props used in the movie exactly. The Castababy should be focused on escaping the 'sea,' and preventing himself from getting a splinter from the wood he's sitting on, but he seems to be obsessed with the Wilson ball instead.
5.Homemade Alone
This reenactment of Home Alone is flawless. The name of this photo is Homemade Alone and just like the film, the parents are trying to stop the baby (Kevin McCallister) The baby boy appears to really be trying to get something out of the pot to trap his parents aka The Water Bandits.
6.Back to the Cuture
Marty McPoop is speeding his way Back to the Cuture. Any Back to the future fan will remember this scene. The dad looks like Jack Frost, but he gets an A for making an effort to look like Dr. Emmett Brown. The funniest thing about this photo is that the baby has the same shocked look on his face that Michael J. Fox had in the movie.
7.Parents of the Caribbean
This photo should be caption 'Where's Waldo?' instead of 'Parents of the Caribbean.' The bed and dresser are supposed to resemble a ship, but it looks like a city dump instead. The room is so cluttered that you spend most of your time trying to find where the baby is
8.The Birdies
There's nothing like hanging a bunch of blood-thirsty birds above your child's head. This renewal of The Birds has the poor little baby in the photo looking very perplexed. The baby looks like an extra in a low budget film, as opposed to actually being a part of the photo.
9.The Breakfast Bub
This Breakfast Bub is the place to be on Saturday mornings. The photo is a reenactment of the popular 80s film, The Breakfast Club. Though the adults are dancing and posing, the baby is the center of attention. Of course the baby is capable of writing that note, but it's always nice to pretend.
This baby boy is the captain now. He and his adorable teddy, are leading the way in this parody scene from the movie Titanic. Although this Tinytanic snapshot looks like a fire hazard, it is easily recognizable. Meanwhile, his parents have decided to use his crib for their own enjoyment.
11.The Whinning
This photo meshes a few scenes from Stephen King's The Shinning. But instead of calling it The Shinning, it's called The Whinning. While the father imitates Jack Nicholson's character on a make-shift typewriter, his son is on a scooter much like the one that Danny (played by Danny Lloyd) rode around in.
12.The Good, The Bad and The Dribbly
This baby is about to be caught in the cross-fire. While mommy and daddy re-enact 1996 film, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly; this poor little baby is just trying to play with his blocks. His parents tried to get him involved in the scene by giving him his own costume, but he does not look too pleased.