15 Things You Don't Know About Bro Code
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 4:27 pm
By:James Fraser
There are men; and then there are bros! Bros are a different kind of men who are special in their own way. Bros are cool, smart, and highly patient. They are always ready to help bros or even other men. One can't simply become a bro. There's a thing called bro code and anyone who wants to be a bro needs to follow that. Here are fifteen things you don't know about bro code.
1.Be With Your Bro Always
As a bro, you need to take care of your other bros. You need have their back always. Be ready to protect your bro from possible threats and dangers. In short, you need to be with him always and make sure he's just fine. In this picture, you can check one bro taking caring of other bro! However, you need to make sure you don't overdo it!

2.Don't Leak His Whereabouts to Girlfriend or Family
You know where your bro is, as most of the times he will be with you! At times, if your bro's parents or girlfriend called you inquiring his whereabouts, don't tell them where he is. He may be partying, smoking pot, or spending some quality time. He may be doing things that his parents or girlfriend shouldn't know. 'I don't know, I haven't seen him in last couple of days' is the ideal answer!

3.Be a Responsible Wingman
At times your bro might need your services as a responsible wingman so he can get the girl he's looking for. Be calm, relaxed and responsible and do everything you can do to help him get his girl. Be as quite as possible, and don't do anything that will divert the girl attention from your bro on to you.

4.Always Respect Your Bro's Sister and Girlfriend
Bro Code strictly forbids you from trying or eyeing your bro's sisters or girlfriends. You need to respect your bro's sister(s), girlfriend(s), crushes, and family members strongly. If you think your bro's girlfriend or sister is hot, you automatically break bro code and will be thrown out of status. Respect all those who are dear to your bro.

5.Be Open and Frank to Your Bro
If your bro asks you how his new girlfriend or crush is, be very frank to him in answering. Don't tell nice things to him for name sake. If you think there's something wrong with the girl(s), don't hesitate to tell him about that. Well, if you find her ugly, you can tell him she looks ugly! You need to make sure your bro gets best always.

6.Support Your Bro No Matter What
This is the toughest rule of bro code. As a bro, you need to support and back your bro in all situations, even in those where your bro did a terrible mistake. You need to cover for his mistakes, and make sure he doesn't get into problems because of them. Make excuses or tell apologies to people on his behalf, but never ever dump him for his mistakes.

7.Do Things to Boost Your Bro's Image
The only thing you need to keep in your mind is that you need to make sure your bro is respected in society. If he doesn't have image of his, you need to create it! Boost his image by telling things about him, or even weakening yourself in front of people if needed. Do whatever you can just to elevate his image in front of his crush or girlfriend.

8.A Girl Can be a Bro Too
No, she will not be called a 'sis'! A girl can become a bro too, if she can follow the bro code. She should do all a bro does. She needs to be a 'winglady' or a third-wheel or even a joker just to help other bro or a girl. Do you think it's possible for a woman to downgrade herself just to elevate another lady's image? This is the reason why we don't see many bro girls! However, there are some that truly deserve respect.

9.Don't Let a Drunken Bro Drive
Protecting your bro's life is one of the most important rules in bro code. As a bro, you should never let your drunken bro drive a car. You too shouldn't drive a car when you are drunk, and particularly when your bro is in the car. Remember, a bro's life is important! You need to carefully and safely drop him at his home or give shelter when he is drunk.

10.Don't Let a Drunk Bro to Text
We already know how terrible drunk texting can be! It's your duty to stop your bro from sending random texts to people when he is drunk. He may send texts that he may soon regret sending. As a bro, you may have tried your best to help him get rid and get over his ex girlfriend. You know the pain, and guess how it will be if he sends a 'miss you' text to her!

11.Sharing of Sexual Information is Strictly Prohibited
Bro code doesn't allow bros to listen to their bros' sexual encounters or experiences. Even if you hear your bro trying to explain what he did to his girlfriend last night, close your ears and walk away. Bro code forbids this because you may imagine your bro or his girlfriend naked in your mind while listening.

12.Never Sleep with Bro's Ex Girlfriend
Bro code forbids you from having sex with bro's ex girlfriend(s). You should not see your bro's ex as a single woman even after your bro leaving her. Bro code thinks it's morally incorrect to sleep with bro's ex or have feelings for her. However, if your bro has no issues with you sleeping with his ex, you are allowed to do it!

13.Enjoy Your 'Broments' With Your Bro
There's a thing called 'bromance' that helps you bond with your bro better. Don't hesitate to touch your bro as long it isn't an inappropriate touch. You can hug, kiss and even dance with your bro. Yes, people may call you gay, but you shouldn't care! Don't think about what people may think about you, and happily enjoy 'broments' with your bro.

14.Don't Let a Bro Go Homeless
Being bro is not all that easy. As we told earlier, it's a responsibility, and not all men can become a bro. If your bro is broke, and is struggling to find food, it's your duty to feed him. As a bro, you should never let your bro go broke in the first place. If he does, it's your duty to offer him shelter and food.

15.Don't Let a bro Tattoo His Girlfriend's Name on His Body
This is another rule in bro code that makes big sense. It's your responsibility to prevent your bro from tattooing his girlfriend's name on his body. One will know the real pain of tattooing only after he or she needs to erase it because of a breakup. Never let your bro tattoo his girlfriend's name anywhere on his body.
