15 Lazy Hacks That Will Make Your Life Simpler

Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 8:15 pm
By:James Fraser

Every day we face little discomforts and obstacles, but we unknowingly prefer facing them rather than addressing them, because they are way too small to cause big troubles to us. There is always a solution for every problem. There is always a better way. Take time and try these little ‘life hacks’ that magically make life simpler!

Check out 15 amazing hacks that make life easier.

4.Blend Warm Water to Clean the Blender

This hack helps you to clean your blender in a flash with no large amount of effort. Fill the blender with warm water and add a drop of dish cleaning gel, and run the blender for a minute. Stop the blender to throw out the soapy water, and rinse with clean water.

Blend Warm Water to Clean the Blender-15 Lazy Hacks That Will Make Your Life Simpler

5.Use an Onion to Clean the Grill

Cleaning a grill is no longer a mess if you use this simple life hack. Heat the grill, and clean the grate with a half cut onion. Use a pitchfork to hold the onion to prevent injuries. The onion not only cleans the grill, but also leaves a good flavor on it.

Use an Onion to Clean the Grill-15 Lazy Hacks That Will Make Your Life Simpler

6.Use Bread to Collect Broken Glass Pieces

Next time when you break a wineglass or something, use a piece of bread to clean and collect the tiny glass pieces that are difficult to find or collect with hands.

Use Bread to Collect Broken Glass Pieces-15 Lazy Hacks That Will Make Your Life Simpler
