15 Images That Show Incredible Transformation Of A Woman Weighing Over 1000 Pounds

Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 3:31 pm
By:James Fraser

Many of us already know how difficult it is to lose weight. Losing just a few pounds require a lot of effort in terms of diet and exercise. Now, imagine what effort one needs to put in if they have to lose over 800 pounds in a span of two years. Meet Mayra Rosales, a 35 year old Texas resident, who once weighed over 1000 pounds, now looks better than many of us! This is an incredible story of a morbidly obese woman who lost over 800 pounds to find her lost life again. If her story doesn't inspire you in losing weight, you may never be able to lose your weight in life.
10.She Did It!

It was unbelievable how this woman managed to lose so much of weight! We see many people struggling to lose a few pounds. Losing nearly 800 pounds to look like this is something extraordinary. She looks perfectly fit and healthy here in this picture, leaving no traces of her past whatsoever. People who are trying to lose weight can find no better inspiration than Mayra Rosales.

She Did It!-15 Images That Show Incredible Transformation Of A Woman Weighing Over 1000 Pounds

11.She Didn't Stop There

Mayra wasn't fully satisfied with her appearance, and continued her weight loss efforts even after reaching an acceptable weight. In this picture, you can see her losing more weight. Fitness can be addictive if you approach it in the right way.
She Didn't Stop There-15 Images That Show Incredible Transformation Of A Woman Weighing Over 1000 Pounds


12.She Continues Grabbing Media Attention

In 2008, she was in news for her false confession that her nephew was dead because she accidentally rolled over him. Media around the globe reported this news thinking that she really killed her nephew. She was in news again around 2012, but this time for good reason. She became popular and has become an inspiration for millions of overweight people around the globe. Right now, her story is making big rounds in social media circles.
She Continues Grabbing Media Attention-15 Images That Show Incredible Transformation Of A Woman Weighing Over 1000 Pounds

